Constitutional Research Publications and Helpful Hints
Finding the Text Unannotated versions United States Code Annotated versions United States Code Annotated United States Code Service
Researching Constitutions Generally, the text of the Constitution is not as critical as the opinions of cases that interpret the Constitution The number of cases citing a particular provision may be endless which hinders research.
Helpful Hints--Generally Use secondary resources such as law review articles, treatises, or hornbooks to find THE relevant cases on that issue
Helpful Hints--Print Use Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation, KF4527.J , Core and Reserve collections
This one volume publication is both a primary and a secondary resource
Citations to Cases and Other Resources
Helpful Hints--Westlaw Restrict search to headnote field Example 1: Search ALLFEDS database “fourth +2 amendment /p wiretap!” hits “HE(fourth +2 amendment /p wiretap!)” hits Example 2: “fourth +2 amendment /p wiretap! /p office” --45 hits “HE(fourth +2 amendment /p wiretap! /p office) --2 hits
Helpful Hints--Westlaw Combine topic and key number search with facts Example: Search ALLFEDS database Criminal Law (110k394.3) covers Evidence Wrongfully Obtained from Wiretapping or Other interception “110k394.3” hits “110k394.3 /p office” --26 hits
Helpful Hints--Lexis Use segment restrictions Example 1: Search Federal Cases, Combined Courts Fourth +2 amendment /25 wiretap! hits OVERVIEW(Fourth +2 amendment /25 wiretap!) hits SYLLABUS(Fourth +2 amendment /25 wiretap!) -- 4 hits
Final Helpful Hints Read the fact pattern and question carefully and frequently Evaluate your research throughout the project to make sure you stay on point