Concepts & Techniques for Accessible, Closed Captioned Web-Based Video 10th Annual Accessing Higher Ground: Accessible Media, Web and Technology Conference Boulder, Colorado November 7, David Klein K. “Fritz” Thompson
Embedding Videos into HTML Media Player and RealPlayer better external, not embedded QuickTime & Flash generally better embedded Internet Explorer generally better with Flash Controversy in use of and tags
Conventional Embedding Object parameters File location Embed parameters File location
Embedding QuickTime <object classid="clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B" width="260" height="316" codebase=" <param name="src" value=" /> <embed src=" width="260" height="316" pluginspage="
Embedding Flash Video Player <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b " codebase=" cab#version=7,0,0,0" width="340" height="440" id="video"> <param name="movie" value=" /> <embed src=" quality="high" width="340" height="440" name="video" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" base="." pluginspage=" /> </object>
Embedding Issues Not a standard Doesn’t validate for XHTML tag not supported the same on all browsers Player versioning Downloading / upgrading versions a major pain Frequently a showstopper for many users Earlier required versions may show garbage (or blank space) instead of error message
Flash Embedding Alternatives Object Only method Validates for XHTML Tricks browsers into correctly displaying content Uses graceful failure rule When one OBJECT tag doesn’t work, it’s ignored Moves to the next OBJECT tag
OBJECT Only Method </object></object>
Flash Embedding Alternatives Flash Object method (uses JavaScript) to determine versions and handle errors gracefully Avoid unacceptable use of or tags Uses alternative text as a default when all else fails Works in Internet Explorer to avoid double click interaction
Contact Law, Health Policy & Disability Center LHPDC Bulletin Board (download Flash playback engine) David Klein Boyd Law Bldg. College of Law University of Iowa Iowa City, IA K. “Fritz” Thompson Boyd Law Bldg. College of Law University of Iowa Iowa City, IA