Tim Leyson EDL 100 Spring 2011
Role of an Educator “The role of an educator is to inspire and have their students aspire to intentionally develop, discover, and determine their passion for life. Education is never ending process in which we progress to build the legacies of the past, present, and future. We are the students of yesterday, today, and tomorrow, therefore we must there be accountable to challenge ourselves and the world of people around us.” Tim Leyson, Student Body President GC Convocation 2007
Bring it full circle
Timism’s “Oh, the places you’ll go…….” “If you wanna be somebody, if you wanna go somewhere, you better wake up and pay attention.” “It is not about where you end up in your lifetime, it is about the experiences you have getting there. “
……every new beginning comes from some others beginning's end
Thank you for being an awesome class!!! Go forth, live your passion, and change the lives of others around you!