Hydrodynamics of Pumps Christopher E. Brennen California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California With many thanks to Allan Acosta, Dave Japikse, innumerable colleagues, a special group of students at Caltech, and a special debt to NASA Marshall, to Loren Gross, Otto Goetz and Henry Stinson.
Prediction of problems: Turbomachine Power proportional to L 5 3 = L 2 ( L) 3 Therefore, same power, same fluid, if L decreases then L must increase and since is prop. to ( L) -2 cavitation must increase Also…
Since fluid pressures prop. to ( L) 2 Then blade stresses prop. to ( L) 2 (L/T) 2 And therefore for the same power, same fluid, same geometry, blade stress is prop. to L -4/3
Lecture One: Introduction Specific Speed and Pump Design Non-cavitating performance Secondary flows incl. Prerotation
Geometric Notation:
Streamtube: Velocity Triangle:
Incidence Angle Deviation Angle
Reynolds Number effects:
Non-cavitating pump performance analysis
Using Bernoullis equation in rotating coordinates, a simple expression for the viscous losses (f), assuming simple geometry, zero deviation, and no preswirl, leads to a simple pump performance analysis:
And with only slightly more complex loss mechanisms (m D ):
Deviation from inviscid calculation:
Viscous losses in blade wakes (axial cascade):
Axial cascade losses:
Centrifugal cascade analysis:
Displacement component of inviscid flow:
Busemann slip factor for inviscid flow:
Viscous wakes in centrifugal pumps:
Three-dimensional analysis: A radial equilibrium calculation
Secondary Flows Some secondary flows : Within the blade passage At inlet – tip clearance flow and backflow for an unshrouded impeller Shrouded centrifugal pump Cutwater separation in volute
Prerotation Widespread misunderstanding Prerotation may be caused only by Backflow or Upstream Asymmetry