Practice PSAT Results
Understanding Your Score Report Add a zero to each of your sections: Verbal, Math, and Writing For instance, if you have a 54 in Verbal, change it to 540. On the top left corner of the report, add a zero to the “PSAT Combined Score” to get the equivalent SAT score.
Reflection The target score for college readiness is How far away are you from 1650 now? Which areas are you already strong in? Which areas do you want to work to improve? Remember, you took this test without doing any preparation. Do not be discouraged. This test is just for practice.
College Readiness Plan You will take the real PSAT next year in 10 th grade and in 11 th grade. In 11 th grade, you will be able to qualify for certain scholarships. Most students do not take the SAT or the ACT until their junior year.
More Information There will be a “Score Back Night” for parents and students on December 16 th to help interpret scores. College Board Website has a lot of helpful information