BY: NEIL DALAL PD. 7 Political and Economic Change in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Introduction Gradualism-->Strong Traditions King-->Parliament (William the Conqueror in 1066) Growing Power of Parliament Magna Carta (1215) English Civil War ( ) Glorious Revolution and the English Bill of Rights (1688/9) Sources of Change Industrial Revolution (18 th -20 th Century) Imperialism ( ) World Wars ( ) Economic Crisis of 1970s 2
Industrial Revolution (18 th -20 th Century) Middle Class and Laborers included in Parliament Extension of Voting Rights 19 th Century Work and Welfare Reforms Political Effects of the Extension of Rights House of Commons>Lords Political Parties based on Class Lines Demand for Welfare Measures Pressured Political Change 3
Effects of WWII and Challenges Churchill United (1940-5) Compromise Modern Welfare System Beveridge Report (1942) Turmoil Decline in Economy Political Division Socialist vs. Pure Market Recovery after Moderation in 1990s 4
Economic Crisis of the 1970’s Declining Industrial Production and Influence Loss of Colonies ( ) OPEC Embargo (1973) Recession Labor Union Demands 5
Margaret Thatcher ( ) Blame on Socialist Policies Changes Privatized Cut Back on Welfare Strengthened Defense Tough on Labor Unions Return to Market Economy Critics Opposed 6
Tony Blair ( ) Moderation (John Major) Labour Party’s Return Blair’s “New Labour” Party “Third Way” Northern Ireland Peace Process Good Friday Agreement (1996) War on Terror Afghanistan (2001) Iraq (2003) 7
Gordon Brown ( ) and David Cameron Growth Ends (Recession) Shifting of Powers Coalition Government EU Membership 8
Gini Index 9
Tax Rates Over Time Conservative Labour
Government Owned Corporations 11 CorporationsNationalizedPrivatized British Broadcasting Company British Airways British Steel Rolls-Royce British Petroleum , 1979, 1981, 1987 British Aerospace , 1985 British Telecom (General Post Office) , 1991, 1993 National Health Service1948N/A
Globalization and Fragmentation 12 International Integration Opposing Viewpoints