Seminars on Sustainable Development - General Theme: Territory1 MOBILITY 2nd part C: Problem Mitigation Through Transport and Land use Policies Seminars on Sustainable Development General Theme: Territory Session on: MOBILITY Responsible Prof.: José Manuel Viegas 2nd part C: Problem Mitigation Through Transport and Land use Policies
Seminars on Sustainable Development - General Theme: Territory2 MOBILITY 2nd part C: Problem Mitigation Through Transport and Land use Policies ENVIRONMENTAL PRESERVATION INTERVENTION WHERE ? Primary Decisions (locations, activities) Mobility wishes Transport production Modal choice* Construction of more infrastructure Emissions Greater vehicle production and sales Impacts Traction Technologies and fuels Dispersion, absorption Prices, regulations Project Evaluation Vehicle production Technologies Infrastructure Engineering Technological interventions are needed but also interventions affecting behavior of people, companies and society in general Territorial Planning Automobile Taxation
Seminars on Sustainable Development - General Theme: Territory3 MOBILITY 2nd part C: Problem Mitigation Through Transport and Land use Policies EXPECTATIONS ABOUT THE TRANSPORT SYSTEM AND LOCATION DECISIONS r Decisions about location of housing and industry are very influenced by expectations of ease and cost of transport When signals are towards continuous expansion of reach and capacity of the high quality road network, expansion of urban areas is promoted r Multiple interests in favor of this option Owners of land to be urbanized Municipalities with gains of population and fiscal revenue Construction industry (easier profits in construction than in rehabilitation of houses) Banks Those making the location decision (frequently under-estimating their future congestion costs)
Seminars on Sustainable Development - General Theme: Territory4 MOBILITY 2nd part C: Problem Mitigation Through Transport and Land use Policies PREVENTION AND MITIGATION THROUGH INTEGRATED PLANNING OF TRANSPORT AND LAND-USE r It is possible – although the effects are only visible on the mid- and long term – to mitigate problems of environmental impacts of transport, through selective densification measures Greater density and variety of urban functions around stations of public transport with high capacity and frequency larger share of trips on Public Transport Greater diversity of facilities and functions in each neighborhood larger share of walking trips r Similar effects are possible by requiring accessibility levels on par with the mobility expectations Location of Public facilities with strong public attraction only in places with a good Public Transport service, with the corresponding capacity (pre-existing, or to be built and financed by the promoter of the facilities)
Seminars on Sustainable Development - General Theme: Territory5 MOBILITY 2nd part C: Problem Mitigation Through Transport and Land use Policies CORRECTIVE INTERVENTION THROUGH SUPPLY (I) r More road infrastructure induces more traffic and brings saturation back r But intervention towards a good hierarchical network can be of great help: Longer and faster trips on 1st level roads Second and third levels for urban distribution (different scales) Fourth level for movements within neighborhoods Fluidity and capacity in the higher levels, moderate speed and pedestrian priority in the lower levels Lower air pollution, less noise, greater safety r Public Transport of high frequency and good quality can attract many clients, if complemented by comfortable and safe walking paths
Seminars on Sustainable Development - General Theme: Territory6 MOBILITY 2nd part C: Problem Mitigation Through Transport and Land use Policies CORRECTIVE INTERVENTION THROUGH SUPPLY (II) For many people in urban areas, daily agendas are not uniform across the week Transport solutions should follow: some days by car, some days by transit, maybe some days cycling & walking: MODAL ALTERNATION But transit fare schemes assume otherwise big price penalty from monthly to weekly to day pass o You feel “cheated” if you don’t use it everyday o And the solution is so easy: a rechargeable card with n day passes, not necessarily consecutive (pay only when you ride) r Searching for the double second-best: INTERMEDIATE MODES Almost as social-efficient as public transport Almost as consumer-efficient as individual transport Thus reducing resistance to change
Seminars on Sustainable Development - General Theme: Territory7 MOBILITY 2nd part C: Problem Mitigation Through Transport and Land use Policies CORRECTIVE INTERVENTION THROUGH PRICES r The price system in urban transport has mostly been blind towards economic and environmental rationality. Some basic principles: Price should be higher when Scarcer resources are consumed Better service quality is received Payment related to the private car should be more associated with use and not so much to ownership Subsidization of mobility on Public Transport should be more directed to citizens with special needs and less to all citizens r Parking should also have prices (and enforcement) that promote the desired levels of saturation and rotation
Seminars on Sustainable Development - General Theme: Territory8 MOBILITY 2nd part C: Problem Mitigation Through Transport and Land use Policies CORRECTIVE INTERVENTIONS THROUGH REGULATION r Several domains of effective regulatory intervention: Technological, imposing Maximum emission levels on new vehicles, and regular inspection of older vehicles less pollution Minimal levels on active and passive safety of vehicles less accidents and fatalities Of Physical Access, limiting Places and hours of loading and unloading operations Automobile traffic in some residential areas Of Market Access of Transport Services, stimulating More varied offer of public transport, desirably with better fit of supply to the multiple demand segments
Seminars on Sustainable Development - General Theme: Territory9 MOBILITY 2nd part C: Problem Mitigation Through Transport and Land use Policies TELECOMS AND MOBILITY CHANGES r Telecoms allow direct substitution of many trips, especially in work and in education r But they can indirectly generate more or longer trips: In work and in education: Lower number of working days, compensated by longer trips (tele-working) More free time for new activities, which generate more contacts (and projects) Finer division of labor ade possible (more partners in each project) In leisure and shopping: Easy access to information generates more curiosity Ease of communication improves trust and guarantee of service