ChangeContinuity Nomads migrated all over Eurasia, spread the Indo- European culture and linguistics Aryans invade India in 1500BCE Spread their Sanskrit language, caste system, and Vedas Huns bring end of empires such as the Han, Gupta, and Roman empires Silk Roads connect the Eurasian landmass for the first time Area of constant conflict and home of nomadic groups Women still held a low place in society Like in the patriarchal system in India Nomads migrated all over Eurasia, spread the Indo- European culture and linguistics ( 8000 BCE- 600CE)
ChangeContinuity Silk Roads spread religion - Buddhism Silk Roads continue to connect societies and bring prosperity through trade ( 8000 BCE- 600CE)
ChangeContinuity MONGOL EMPIRE 1206-Mongol and Turkic tribes unite series of Mongol raids left cities destroyed 1224-empire is split into four khanates 1401-Tamerlane sacks Baghdad Silk Roads Christianity and Islam start to travel along these roads Silk Roads reopened by Mongol Empire Expansion - Ottoman empire expanded to Anatolia, Byzantium, North Africa, Greece, Syria, and Armenia and later in the 20 th century they are involved in WWI because they wanted to expand - Seljuk Turks expanded to Asia Minor, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine Islam - Converted to Islam and spread it - promoted Islam to the places that they conquered - Islam remains as a major religion in the areas that they had conquered ( 600 CE CE)
600 CE CE ChangeContinuity Bubonic plague traveled along the silk roads Started to add more paths to the Silk Roads as well as travelling by sea Military state - Ottoman Empire was referred to as a gunpowder empire Seljuks defeat Byzantium in Battle of Manzikert Ottoman empire captured Constantinople - Janissaries remained their soldiers of war in the Ottoman empire. They refused to use modern weapons Dominated the Middle East politically with their strong military Religious Tensions between Islamic and Non-Islamic
ChangeContinuity OTTOMAN EMPIRE Conflict with Safavids (did not want Shi’a Islam to spread) took Iraq from Safavids Period of economic growth between Suleyman the Magnificant conquered Baghdad After periods of weak sultans led to decline and reforms Silk Roads started to decline Continuing conflict with the Safavid Empire through much of the period (1450 CE CE)
ChangeContinuity Russia succeeded in annexing north Caucaus (Britain had southern portion) Britain took control of Afghanistan during Great Game conflict between Britain and Russia OTTOMAN EMPIRE Tanzimat Reforms Greece, Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria, and other nations achieved independence Continuing rise of nationalism within the Ottoman Empire ( 1750 CE – 1914 CE)
ChangeContinuity AFGHANISTAN Media Highly suppressed under the Taliban Currently more relaxed (however it is illegal to oppose Islamic religion) Economy Suffered greatly due to Soviet invasion & 4 year drought 2002-boosted due to U.S. economic assistance subjugation of women- under Amanullah & People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan many rights granted including schooling Under Mujahidin & Taliban women were subjugated, and had to wear veils Education is now open to women AFGHANISTAN Civil war Regimes and rulers have been constantly overthrown and replaced Islam is the dominant religion Conflict between Sunni (majority) and Shi’a (minority) Religion serves as basis for government and society Since the Taliban, women are still treated as subservient ( 1914 CE-present )
(1914 – Present) ChangeContinuity changes in government Controlled by Britain during “The Great Game” Invaded by soviets in US invasion overthrew Taliban regime OTTOMAN EMPIRE As Russia moved in on Causaus, ordered evacuation of Armenians (Armenian Genocide) Defeated in WW1 Turkey won independence, Ottoman Empire fell OTTOMAN EMPIRE Religious tensions between Muslims and Non- Muslims (Arabs and Israelies)