DO NOW 1. Review class contract (AP) 2. Review course outline AIM: How can we incorporate memory, symbol, and patterns to help us interpret literature?
Learn to Read! Because Analyzing Literature is more than Staring at the Words
Independent Work Complete the following “Pre- Assessment” without help (don’t worry, your life is not at stake). Be as thoughtful as you can, and utilize your prior knowledge. Complete the following “Pre- Assessment” without help (don’t worry, your life is not at stake). Be as thoughtful as you can, and utilize your prior knowledge.
Objectives: To become more thoughtful readers. To become more thoughtful readers. To adequately analyze and interpret literature. To adequately analyze and interpret literature. To recognize patterns and make connections in literature. To recognize patterns and make connections in literature. To substantiate thinking through recognition and categorization. To substantiate thinking through recognition and categorization.
Turn, Talk, Write What is the point of Interpretation? To discover and reveal social constructs and value systems of the time. To deepen our understanding of the human condition. To resolve on improvements for our future based on our past.
What is Analysis? “Language and Grammar of Reading” “Language and Grammar of Reading” Set of conventions and patterns, codes, and rules, that we learn to employ in a piece of writing. Set of conventions and patterns, codes, and rules, that we learn to employ in a piece of writing. SETTINGPLOT CONFLICTCHARACTER POINT OF VIEWTHEME SHORT STORY ELEMENTS
Memory. Symbol. Pattern. All literature is connected to another text in some way. Once you can mentally access these connections, you can discover the deeper meaning of texts. All literature is connected to another text in some way. Once you can mentally access these connections, you can discover the deeper meaning of texts. Where have I seen this before…?
Categorizing Our Prior Knowledge And Figuring Out How to Apply It …An Example Using Quests *See Your Packet for All the Rules*
Every Trip is a Quest The Rules of a Quest: A “quester”A “quester” A place to goA place to go A stated reason to go thereA stated reason to go there Challenges and trialsChallenges and trials The real reason for a quest is always self-knowledge.The real reason for a quest is always self-knowledge. In groups, brainstorm a list of quests (literary and cinematic).
Practice Application (Prepare to respond to each other) Voyage Quest? How do you know? Deeper Understandings The Chronicles of Narnia Pevensie children are called to help Aslan restore Narnia. Pevensies learn how to become a good, Christian family. Harry Potter Shrek
In your groups, and using your packet, demonstrate how your assigned sections are applied in reading. Give examples using novels/poems/short stories/ plays/movies. Supply explanations along with figures/diagrams and substantiated evidence! GROUP WILDE 1, 4, 9, 10 GROUP HUXLEY 12, 16, 18, 20 GROUP GOLDING 2, 3, 7, 14 GROUP SHAKESPEARE 5, 6, 8, 15, 17 GROUP SOPHOCLES 22, 23, 24, 25 GROUP HARDY 11, 13, 19, 21