Focus: Which interactions were the most historically significant? Each group will be assigned a traveler, trade route or nomadic/invading group. Research and trace the route that applies to your assigned topic. Be sure to focus on why your route is historically significant and how the various members and their societies were affected by interactions. Be sure to include as many of the following items: 1.Symbols, pictures, or images that define your traveler, route or item 2.Means of transportation 3.Significant people along the route 4.Products or ideas that were spread 5.Map of locations 6.A Slogan that is appropriate for your assigned topic. PRESENTATIONS MAY NOT EXCEED 5 MINUTES and may not include more than 4-6 slides! YOU MAY NOT GO BEYOND THE YEAR 1450!
Focus: What was the nature and impact of trade in the Eastern Hemisphere between ? Friday – 4/23 – Introduce project/Begin background research in Patterns Book Monday – 4/26 – Assemble Presentations in your groups. Bring your flashdrives –we will be working in the library on Monday Tuesday – 4/27 – Begin Presentations. Wednesday – 4/28 – Finish Presentations/Summary
TOPICS – Background from “Patterns of Interaction” Books. 1.Indian Ocean Trade – , Silk Road Trade – 148, , , Trans-Saharan Trade Routes – , 371, Marco Polo – Ibn Battuta – 374, Vikings – , , 341, Mongols – , 281, 284, , 300, 302, 310, 469, 8.Arabs/Islamic World– See “Islam” on p in Index