Washington Laboratories (301) web: Lindbergh Dr. Gaithersburg, MD EMC Compliance Overview Steve Koster
EMC EMC – Electromagnetic Compatibility The ability to operate in the intended environment without performance degradation The ability to operate in the intended environment without interfering with operation of other equipment/systems
EMC Compliance - US FCC US commercial Applies to Unintentional emitters RF transmitters Regulates emissions (not immunity) CFR 47, Part 15 ITE/Digital Devices (CIPSR 22 satisfies requirements) Receivers Unlicensed transmitters CFR47, Parts ---- Specific parts for designated applications Part 22 - Cellular devices Part 90 - Licensed private land mobile radio Others (Television, Satellite, Education, Amateur, etc.) FCC OET Bulletin 65, Supplement C RF Exposure Levels to Humans ACTA – Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments Telecommunications – Part 68
EMC Compliance - Canada Industry Canada Formally Dept. of Communications ICES-003 – unintentional emitters (US Part 15 harmonized) CS03 – telecommunications products RSS-210 – non-licensed RF products RSS-119 – Land Mobile and Fixed Radio
PERSONAL COMPUTERS & PERIPHERALS, RADIO RECEIVERS Method #1Test at Approved Laboratory Test Product at approved Laboratory Report with Technical Information Declaration of Conformity Sell Product Declaration of Conformity. Does not go to the FCC
Exempted Devices CFR Part Digital device used exclusively in motor vehicle Digital device used for power system or control by a public utility on utility property Digital device used exclusively as industrial, commercial or medical test equipment Digital device used exclusively as an appliance Specialized medical device (generally used under direction of medical professional) Device with power consumption not exceeding 6nW Analog devices used with digital devices (e.g. mouse without digital circuitry) Digital devices with highest used frequency not exceeding 1.705MHz and do not connect to mains power
RADIO TRANSMITTERS Examples Cordless Phones, Radio Transmitters, CB Radios, Wireless Products CERTIFICATION: Test Product Report with Technical Information Send Report and Application to FCC or TCB FCC GRANT with FCC ID Number Sell Product
North American Telecommunications US: ACTA Canada: Industry Canada CS03 Canada and US Share Harmonized Technical Requirements Objective: Designed to protect network from harm posed by connected equipment General Requirements: Analog: Balance, signal power, impedance, isolation surge survivability Digital: Balance, signal power, signal masks, isolation
BELLCORE (TELCORDIA) BELLCORE is laboratory/standards body set up to serve Bell Operating Companies (Each Bell Company may have their own additional requirements) Objective is to standardize technical requirements to facilitate acceptance and compatibility of equipment Principal Equipment Standards: BELLCORE GR-1089: EMC & Safety Based largely on international and national standards (i.e., FCC, UL) Defines Equipment Type based on connection to the telecommunications network and the intended location of the equipment. Some tests interchangeable with FCC and CE tests. BELLCORE GR-63 (“NEBS”): Environmental BELLCORE GR-78: Requirements for Physical Design and Manufacture of Equipment
EPRI Requirements Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide currently in use Provides for dual path of compliance testing MIL-STD-461, previously used by EPRI TR IEC series of EMI/RFI test methods Both approaches impose more stringent requirements than commercial specifications and call out stringent test methods and limits
OVERVIEW OF EUROPEAN REQUIREMENTS Terms Directives Comparison with US standards Options for Conformity Technical Requirements Use of the CE Mark
TERMS & DEFINITIONS European Directive Legal Document adopted by EC Council of Ministers Must be adopted into National Law by each EC member state Does not call out technical standards; refers to private standards-making bodies to draw up product standards European Norm (EN) Harmonized Standard: Common Standard used for determining conformity Committee process ENs based on existing standards (CISPR, IEC) Must be adopted into National Standards by each EC Member state CENELEC ( Comite Europeen de Normalisation Electrotechnique) European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization: responsible for generating European Norms CE: Communaute Europeenne
TERMS & DEFINITIONS Competent Body Review Technical Construction Files and generate Certificates of Conformity Must demonstrate competence in the area of the Directive Approved by member state National Authority Conformity Assessment Bodies (CAB) in US Notified Body “Notified” means that the organization has been “officially announced” to the EC and other states by National Authority
NEW APPROACH DIRECTIVES Objective: Elimination of Technical Barriers New Approach calls out Essential Requirements Technical Details Left to Committees Harmonization of European Norms (Standards) CENELEC Conformity to European Norms demonstrates compliance Products meeting essential requirements eligible for CE Marking
EUROPEAN DIRECTIVES Directive Low Voltage (73/23/EEC) Amended by 93/68/EEC Simple Pressure Vessels (87/404/EEC) Amended by 90/488/EEC Toy Safety (88/378/EEC) Amended by 93/68/EEC Construction Products (89/106/EEC) Amended by 93/68/EEC EMC (89/336/EEC) Amended by 93/68/EEC Repeal 7/20/2007 EMC (2004/108/EC) Machinery (89/392/EEC) Amended by 93/68/EEC Personal Protective Equipment (89/686/EEC) Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments (90/384/EEC) Amended by 93/68/EEC Gas Appliances (90/396/EEC) Amended by 93/68/EEC Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (91/263/EEC) Amended by 93/68/EEC Hot Water Boilers (92/42/EEC) Amended by 93/68/EEC Medical Devices (93/42/EEC) Satellite Earth Station Equipment (93/97/EEC) Explosive Atmospheres (94/9/EEC) Recreational Craft (94/25/EEC) Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive Mandatory Date: 1/1/97 7/1/92 1/1/97 1/1/96 7/20/09 1/1/95 6/30/95 1/11/02 1/1/95 1/1/96 1/1/97 6/13/98 NONE 6/30/03 6/15/98 4/1/01
THE EMC DIRECTIVE 89/336/EEC: The EMC Directive Adopted 1989 by Council of the European Communities Original Implementation 1 January 1992 Amended by 92/31/EEC Affects all products to be placed on the Market Calls out essential “protection requirements” which include emissions as well as susceptibility Does not call out specifications or standards “New Approach Directive” Essential Protection Requirements Allows Self-Certification ”CE” Marking certifying product’s conformance
EMC Directive - Changes Clarification of scope and definitions Simplification of compliance methods – DoC Elimination of mandatory NB/CB examinations Modified DoC supporting location of responsible parties by enforcement Requirement for unique product identification Clear treatment of fixed installations and their compliance obligations
Conformity Assessment Manufacturer performs an electromagnetic compatibility assessment applying all relevant harmonized standards published in OJ Manufacturer prepares technical documentation providing evidence of compliance – retains at least 10-years after date of last manufacture Manufacturer prepares a Declaration of Conformity (DoC) The “CE” mark may be placed on the equipment
Non-harmonized/Incomplete Application of Standards If harmonized standards are not followed or partially followed: Technical documentation is more complex to justify the DoC describing the steps taken to meet the essential requirements Review by a Notified Body to obtain an opinion on conformity NB opinion adds weight in case of a dispute but does not solely authenticate the DoC
Product Identification Each apparatus to be identified in terms of type, batch, serial number or other information allowing identification Each apparatus shall be accompanied with Community contact information Information must be provided on specific precautions for EMC protection (e.g., installation instructions, shielded cable use, etc.) Use restrictions for items where residential compliance is not ensured Information on use for intended purpose included with the apparatus
Fixed Installations Special section – Article 13 Applies to a given fixed installation with the apparatus not commercially available CE marking and mandatory pre-testing not required Installation requires application of “good” engineering practices with documentation of EMC precautions incorporated If EMC problems are indicated, authorities may request evidence of compliance If non-compliance is established, appropriate measures to attain compliance may be imposed
CE Marking Implementation of the CE Marking: Must be affixed to: Product Packaging Instructions for use, OR Guarantee certificate Can be used with other marks providing they do not reduce the visibility and legibility of the mark The marking may include: The identification of a notified body involved in assessment
R&TTE Covers the following aspects: Efficient use of spectrum EMC Safety
R&TTE Approval Process CE Marking by manufacturer is allowed Self-Declaration for many products Reduced approval procedures and processes Harmonized standards developed Faster, cheaper, more market coverage for Small – Medium Enterprises
Annexes Annex I: Things NOT covered Cables, Receive-only broadcast, Kits, Aviation and Air Traffic, marine Annex II: Internal Production Control Basis for all Annexes (good documentation!) Annex III: Annex II + Testing Type testing Annex IV: TCF Notified Body/CAB (for new technologies) Annex V: Full QA Accredited Quality Assurance System
R&TTE Testing No longer requires involvement of accredited test house Test to harmonized standards DoC CE Marking Ship Non-harmonized frequencies: Notification to Spectrum Authority Alert Signal (Equipment Class Identifier) Restricted Geographical Area
EMC Test Standards Product specific test standards establish requirements and typically point to test method standards. Normally include: Radiated Emissions – CISPR 22 Conducted Emissions – CISPR 22 Harmonic Emissions – EN Flicker – EN Electrostatic Discharge – EN Radiated Immunity – EN Electrically Fast Transient Immunity – EN Surge Immunity – EN Conducted Immunity – EN Magnetic Immunity * - EN Voltage dips/interrupts – EN