CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN NEW YORK CITY CLASSROOMS CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN NEW YORK CITY CLASSROOMS Selecting Efficient Instructional Techniques for Culturally Diverse Classroom Selecting Efficient Instructional Techniques for Culturally Diverse Classrooms Svetlana Khvatikova and Marva Rudder Research 2 Spring 2012
Table of Contents Research Design (Slide 3 ) Threats to Internal Validity (Slide 4) Threats to External Validity ( Slide 5) Proposed Data Analysis Survey/Pre Test Correlation(Slide 6) Pre-Test and Proposed Test Scores (Slide 7-8) Student Correlation (Slide 9-10) Sample of Student Surveys (Slide 11) References (Slide 12)
Research Design Research Design: Quasi-Experimental design Nonequivalent Control Group Design Symbolic Design : O X 1 O O X 2 O O - Pre-test X 1 - Treatment for Group 1 X 2 - Treatment for Group 2 O - Post-test
Threats to Internal Validity History Maturation Mortality Statistical Regression Selection-Maturation Selection
Threats to External Validity Ecological Generalizable Conditions Specificity of Variables Multiple Treatments Experimenter Effects
Proposed Data Analysis Survey/Pre-test Correlation 0.47 rxy 0.59 rxy
Pre-test and Proposed Post-test Scores StudentsMarchApril Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student MarchAprilDifferences Pre-test Proposed Post- test Mean Range35296 Ratio Data : 29.85%
Pre-test and Proposed Post-test StudentsMarchApril Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student MarchApril Difference Pre-testProposed Post-test Mean Range Ratio Data: 39.06%
African-American Students Correlation Strongly Disagree/Disagree Studentxy rxy= % Strongly Agree/Agree Studentxy rxy= %
rxy= rxy= Russian Students Correlation 45% 55% Strongly Agree/Agree Studentxy Strongly Disagree/Disagree Studentxy
Sample: Student Surveys Demographics Question :Were you born in this country? (1) (2) Yes No Attitudes Question: I love to eat food from my native country. (1) (2) (3) (4) Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Frequencies How many times have you visited your county? (1) (2) (3) (4) 0 times 1-4 times 5-9 times 10 or more times
References O’Connor-Petruso, S. (2012). Descriptive Statistics Threats to Validity [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from