SL-10 Laboratory Hot Tack / Seal Tester TMI Group of Companies TMI Group of Companies
SL-10 Laboratory Hot Tack / Seal Tester Program Features Note: Current as of 11/12/07
Program Interfaces Simple operator test parameter inputs Simple operator test parameter inputs Save and load parameters from operator named recipes Save and load parameters from operator named recipes Software operates in English or Metric units Software operates in English or Metric units Hot Tack Force readings available in Grams or Newtons Hot Tack Force readings available in Grams or Newtons Five Test Modes to Choose From: Five Test Modes to Choose From: Hot Tack Hot Tack Hot Tack Profile Hot Tack Profile Seal Test Seal Test Seal Test Profile Seal Test Profile Heat Seal Heat Seal
Program Interaction Software interaction through the use of the touch screen, mouse and/or the keyboard Software interaction through the use of the touch screen, mouse and/or the keyboard Buttons on each interface provide descriptions for software and machine functions Buttons on each interface provide descriptions for software and machine functions Selection with in any of the parameter text boxes will provide the operator with an onscreen keypad for parameter input Selection with in any of the parameter text boxes will provide the operator with an onscreen keypad for parameter input
Main Menu
Hot Tack & Seal Test Operator Interface Using the Load from Saved Settings feature allows for storage and recall of saved parameters under operator named recipes Using the Load from Saved Settings feature allows for storage and recall of saved parameters under operator named recipes Test result data for temperature, sealing force, and peel force are displayed on the operator interface for reference Test result data for temperature, sealing force, and peel force are displayed on the operator interface for reference The Tools menu provides: The Tools menu provides: Options menu for automatic selection of peel force, ASTM failure modes, and graph options (See Data Point Selection Methods slide) Options menu for automatic selection of peel force, ASTM failure modes, and graph options (See Data Point Selection Methods slide) Graph Scaling menu for setting automatic or fixed maximum graph scale based on peel force output Graph Scaling menu for setting automatic or fixed maximum graph scale based on peel force output
Hot Tack & Seal Test Interface
Profile Operator Interface Similar parameter setup as Hot Tack and Seal Test testing interfaces with the addition of ending temperature, temperature increment, and samples per group Similar parameter setup as Hot Tack and Seal Test testing interfaces with the addition of ending temperature, temperature increment, and samples per group Upper and lower heat can be set to increment the same amount or keep the lower heat at a set temperature and only increment the upper Upper and lower heat can be set to increment the same amount or keep the lower heat at a set temperature and only increment the upper Automatic lock out of all parameters after the Profile is initiated to avoid any operator interaction while testing Automatic lock out of all parameters after the Profile is initiated to avoid any operator interaction while testing The Tools menu provides the same options as the individual testing interfaces The Tools menu provides the same options as the individual testing interfaces The Profile menu provides: The Profile menu provides: Option to skip any temperature group Option to skip any temperature group
Hot Tack Profile & Seal Profile Interface
Data Point Selection Methods Options to automatically or manually select the required force from the graph Options to automatically or manually select the required force from the graph Force Selection Options: Manual Selection Manual Selection Graph Peak Graph Peak Graph Average Graph Average Point in Distance Point in Distance Point in Time Point in Time Peak (time) Between Peak (time) Between Peak (distance) Between Peak (distance) Between Average (time) Between Average (time) Between Average (distance) Between Average (distance) Between
Data Selection
Data Output Individual test graphs for Hot Tack & Seal Test Individual test graphs for Hot Tack & Seal Test Profile test graphs for Hot Tack & Seal Test Profile test graphs for Hot Tack & Seal Test Profile text report for Hot Tack & Seal Test Profile text report for Hot Tack & Seal Test Text report directly exported to default printer or text file Access ™ Database collection for all 5 sealing interfaces Access ™ Database collection for all 5 sealing interfaces Database makes all test parameters and test results available for data processing, custom queries, and test reporting. Excel ™ file exporting for Hot Tack & Seal Test Individual & Profile Testing Excel ™ file exporting for Hot Tack & Seal Test Individual & Profile Testing
Graphs A data output graph is generated after each individual peel test A data output graph is generated after each individual peel test Profile tests generate a graph while the tests are being run, this graph can be viewed or edited at any time Profile tests generate a graph while the tests are being run, this graph can be viewed or edited at any time All Individual test graphs display the following data: test type, date & time, selected force, failure mode, recipe name, operator comments and all test parameters All Individual test graphs display the following data: test type, date & time, selected force, failure mode, recipe name, operator comments and all test parameters
Individual Test Graph Graph is displayed in Peel Force over Distance or Time Graph is displayed in Peel Force over Distance or Time Can be printed or saved as a file Can be printed or saved as a file Comments section for operator notes Comments section for operator notes Graph Interaction: Graph Interaction: Zoom Zoom Print Print Change between distance/time views Change between distance/time views Cursor a Window to show Average and Peak Values Cursor a Window to show Average and Peak Values Delete Test Delete Test Scroll through previous tests Scroll through previous tests Individual test note box Individual test note box
Individual Test Graph
Profile Test Graph Hot Tack and Seal Test Profiles Hot Tack and Seal Test Profiles Upon completion of a Profile Test a graph is generated Upon completion of a Profile Test a graph is generated Graph is displayed in force over temperature Graph is displayed in force over temperature Graph Interaction: Graph Interaction: Zoom Zoom Print Print Delete Profile Delete Profile Scroll through previous Profile tests Scroll through previous Profile tests Profile note box Profile note box Individual Profile test selection and viewing Individual Profile test selection and viewing Editing Profile Options: Editing Profile Options: Edit an individual test Edit an individual test Add a Single sample Add a Single sample Add a Group of samples at a specified temperature Add a Group of samples at a specified temperature Replace a single test or group of tests Replace a single test or group of tests Delete a single test or group of tests Delete a single test or group of tests
Profile Graph
Export Functions for Profile and Individual Test Graphs Exporting functions support : Exporting functions support : Hot Tack & Seal Test Profile graphs Hot Tack & Seal Test Profile graphs Hot Tack & Seal Test Profile overlay’s Hot Tack & Seal Test Profile overlay’s Individual Hot Tack & Seal Test graph overlays Individual Hot Tack & Seal Test graph overlays Temperature group overlay Temperature group overlay Note: MS Excel version 2000 or above must be installed on the SL-10 for the exporting functions
Profile Excel ™ Export File Test parameter information Test parameter information Excel™ generated Profile graph Excel™ generated Profile graph Test results data report Test results data report Average force for each temperature group and standard deviation are calculated automatically Average force for each temperature group and standard deviation are calculated automatically
Profile Excel ™ Overlay File Choose from both Hot Tack and Seal Profile tests to overlay Choose from both Hot Tack and Seal Profile tests to overlay Generates graph & data comparisons for up to 10 profile tests Generates graph & data comparisons for up to 10 profile tests Allows for additional comments or editing of any information through Excel ™ Allows for additional comments or editing of any information through Excel ™
Individual Test Overlay Individual tests to overlay and export to an Excel ™ file. Individual tests to overlay and export to an Excel ™ file. Any individual graphs within profile or individual tests can be chosen Any individual graphs within profile or individual tests can be chosen Provides a graph and data comparison for up to 10 tests Provides a graph and data comparison for up to 10 tests
Single Group Overlay Select any group from a Profile graph to overlay the individual tests within that temperature Select any group from a Profile graph to overlay the individual tests within that temperature Options to export from the Profile graph menu or by selecting any test within the temperature group Options to export from the Profile graph menu or by selecting any test within the temperature group
Program Demo A desktop demo version of the SL-10 LakoSealer program can be run on a personal computer for demonstration purposes A desktop demo version of the SL-10 LakoSealer program can be run on a personal computer for demonstration purposes Please contact your local sales representative for further information Please contact your local sales representative for further information
SL-10 Laboratory Hot Tack / Seal Tester For more information on the Lako SL-10 Laboratory Hot Tack / Seal Tester or other SL-Series Sealers Contact Testing Machines Inc. at (631) or * Excel™ & Access™ are trade marked & copyrights of the Microsoft Corporation.