Research Discovery Service Academic Computing Development Team, OUCS Anne Bowtell, Web Manager, MSD
… and finally
What? A directory of summary information about researchers and research activities in the Medical Sciences Division. Available on the web. A project undertaken by the Academic Computing Development Team, joint bid by Medical Sciences Division and Research Technologies Service. Research Development Fund support for the next phase……
Agenda The problem and background Demonstration Structure Potential Uses
The problem? for potential donors for potential graduate students Information about MSD research on the web should be easy to find:
Hierarchies Information exists but is hard to find and hard to pull together. Providing a structure on top of the wealth of web information available already. Cutting across division/dept hierarchies to view information by theme and subject area. Division Department Research Unit Department
Getting people to use the system Information reuse Self-service updating Levels of privacy Principles
Information reuse Interoperating with other systems Defining the scope of our system
Information interchange ODBC RSS Web Services
Self- service update
What’s the potential….?
What it’s not Google; Knowledge Management; Replacement for a department or unit website (though it is hoped they can reuse the information);
Virtual Research Environment Find out what’s out there: Opportunities for collaboration; New directions and approaches. Keep track of what’s happening: e.g.: RSS feeds of particular subject areas. Expand to suit your requirements: Add research resources, skills, techniques; Avenues for further investigation.
… and finally