CULTURAL TOURISM ROUTE Lesovo – Boljarovo – Stefan Karadzhovo – Simeonovo – Yambol – Elhovo – Lesovo With opportunities for sport fishing
1 day: 00009:00 – the route starts from Lesovo. Walk in the village and visit to the first discovered church in the region. 11112:00 – lunch in the local restaurant. 11113:00 – departure to Boljarovo. 11114:00 – arrival i i i in the town and accommodation in mmmm oooo tttt eeee llll „ „ „ „ BBBB UUUU RRRR GGGG OOOO IIII LLLL ”””” 11115:00 – opportunity for fishing at the artificial lake of MMMM aaaa llll kkkk ooooSharkovo a a a and walk in the local forests. 11118:30 – leisure time in the motel; dinner.
2 day 09:00 – breakfast in the motel „BURGOIL”. 10:00 – departure to Yambol through Stefan Karadzhovo with visit to its mineral springs. Picnic. 15:00 – arrival in the village of Simeonovo. Visit to the Erkesia and departure to Yambol. 17:00 – arrival in Yambol. 17:30 – accommodation in “KAPRI” hotel. Short rest; dinner.
3 day 00009:00 – breakfast in the hotel restaurant and then walk in the city center.Visit to the Bezisten, the church “Holly Trinity” and the Historical museum of Yambol. 11119:00 – arrival at the hotel. 11119:30 - Dinner.
09:00 – breakfast and departure to Lesovo village. Lunch in the town of Elhovo and visit to the Ethnographical museum. 09:00 – breakfast and departure to Lesovo village. Lunch in the town of Elhovo and visit to the Ethnographical museum. 15:00 – arrival in Lesovo and end of the tour. 15:00 – arrival in Lesovo and end of the tour. 4 day
Price of the tourist package: It includes: Transport; Transport; Hotel accommodation; Hotel accommodation; Breakfast, lunch and dinners; Breakfast, lunch and dinners; Fees of the tourist sites; Fees of the tourist sites; Guide; Guide; Accident insurance. Accident insurance. 350 lv.
Motel “Burgoil” located in Boljarovo The motel is located in the ecologically clean region in the Strandzha mountain. The quiet and tranquil atmosphere is a pre-condition for complete respite. The forests are home for different wild animals, and the near artificial lake provides good conditions for picnic, fishing and walks. There is a barbeque nook for 25 people in the motel. There are 8 modern furnished rooms (16 beds) with satellite TV, refrigerators, local heating system. The complex offers a restaurant with 40 seats. Contacts: Price for a bed per night: 20 lv.
BEZISTEN - Yambol It was built in the second middle of XV c. in the center of the town. It is one of the 10 covered markets in Europe. It is the only building of that kind in Bulgaria, very well preserved monument. It gives very unique impression of Yambol and is one of the town’s symbols. The Bezisten was restored in and still works as a covered market.
The first church in this region was founded in It was a small stone church located in the highest part of the village. There was a heeling spring. Today, there is a bigger church on that place founded in There are authentic icons, books and documents preserved from ancient times.
Artificial Lake Malko Sharkovo On the river Popovska (feeder of Tundzha river) is built the second largest artificial lake in the country with total amount of water 55 million c. m. The nature resources are preconditions for development of tourism, recreation and fishing.
Hotel - restaurant “KAPRI" Modern, cosy family hotel in Yambol. For your comfort and pleasant visit the hotel management proposes modern furnished and equipped apartments, single and double rooms.
Historical museum – Yambol The Historical museum – Yambol is established in In its collection there are more than interesting and unique objects presenting the historical development of Lower Tundzha from Antiquity till nowadays.
THE CHURCH “HOLLY TRINITY” - Yambol The church “Holly Trinity” is the oldest in Yambol and is located in the oldest part of the city – Kargona. It was built in ХVІІ c. In the period of the Bulgarian Renaissance was established a monastery school.
Simeonovo - Erkesiata The biggest, most famous and the longest preserved dug-out fortification. It was south to the Danube river and outlined the vast territory of Bulgaria in 8-10 c. It could be seen from the Cosmos. It connected the Black sea coast with the valley of Maritsa river passing by Burgas, Sredets, Karnobat, Straldzha, Tundzha, Gulubovo, Simeonovgrad. It is the longest fortification in the EU 148 km, longer even than Adrian fortification in North England – 114 km.
The Ethnographical museum - Elhovo It is included in the list of “The hundred national tourist sites” and of the three specialized ethnographical museums in Bulgaria. It preserves, researches and promotes the varied ethno inheritance of the Stranga – Sakar region. It was founded in 1958 and represents one of the most interesting and original ethnographic exhibitions in the country with samples of the clothes of Bulgarian settlers from Aegean Thrace, Edirne and Kirklareli. There are more than exhibits preserved in the museum’s stock; and more than 8000 original documents and photographies.