Introduction to Sports Medicine
Sports Medicine Definition: multidisciplinary approach to health care for those involved in exercise and sport.
History Sports Medicine started to develop as a recognized field in the early 20th century as a response to the need to rehabilitate military veterans. 1954: American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) formed. Popularity of “sports medicine” has grown as athletic participation has risen– not all who say they are “sports medicine specialists” actually have the training
Sports Medicine Today Today more than any other time in history, athletics and exercise have been placed on the forefront of lifestyle. People of all ages, genders, abilities (Special Olympics, Paralympics) are physically active
Athlete’s Circle of Care
Sports Medicine Umbrella
Doctor (family or Team): head of the sports medicine team Physician Assistant (P.A.) Physical Therapist (P.T.) Physical Therapy Assistant (P.T.A.) Chiropractor (DC) Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC) Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) Sports Nutritionist
Sports Psychologist Dentist Massage Therapist Ophthalmologist Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Coach Parents
Now its your turn to learn more about the professions associated with Sports Medicine. Each group will be assigned a career. You must create a poster for the career and present it to the class. See the Project Handout for specific details.