{ SB 1.16 Teens and Books: What Are the Influences? English I PreAp
Get your SpringBoard book On a Post-It note, determine how you feel about books and reading. Draw a “face” to express your feelings. WARM-UP I LOVE to read! Bring on the books!! I read magazines, blogs, articles for casual entertainment. I read as little as possible. I HATE reading. I will die before I read.
Go to the corner in the room that matches your “feeling face” about reading and books. Talk to your group members about why you feel the way you do. Four Corners
If you are in “Corner #1” or “Corner #2”, find someone from “Corner #3” or “Corner #4” and pair up. 1s & 2s ask 3s & 4s: What is it about reading and books you don’t like? Try to get at least three good reasons from your partner. Write them down on the back of your Post-It. SWITCH! 3s & 4s ask 1s & 2s: What is it about reading and books you like? Try to get at least three good reasons from your partner. Write them down on the back of your Post-It. Pair Up
Whole Class Debrief
Turn to page 65 in your SpringBoard book Number off at your table, 1 – 4 or 1 – 5 1 read “Cell Phones” 2 read “Playing the Net” 3 read “Giving CDs a Spin” 4 (or 1s) read “Where the Teens Are” 5 (or 3s) read “Bookstore Events” For each “chunk”, you will note in the margin the strengths of weaknesses of each marketing strategy Once everyone has read, each person shares their notes and annotations with the group. SB 1.16 – “As If: Marketing to Older Teens”