Apuntes el 2 de junio Los pronombres de complemento indirecto (Indirect Object Pronouns) Verbs like GUSTAR, ENCANTAR and DOLER generally require the use of an indirect object pronoun. The ones that you need to know for now are: me – to/for me te – to/for you le – to/for you (Ud.), to/for her/him
¿Qué te gusta hacer los fines de semana? (What do you like to do on weekends?) - Me gusta pasar tiempo con mis amigos. ( I like to spend time with my friends.)
Keep in mind that GUSTAR means to be pleasing. Spanish has no verb that means to like. So, when you say “Me gusta pasar tiempo con mis amigos”, you’re literally saying “Spending time with my friends is pleasing to me.”
When talking about others, you need to use the pronoun le (to/for her/him) when using verbs like GUSTAR. A Francisco le encantan las verduras. (Francisco loves vegetables.) A mi madre le duele mucho la espalda. (My mother’s back hurts a lot.) Notice that we need to use a when mentioning the person represented by le.