Geography, History, and the Social Sciences
Location Exact Latitude and longitude 29°N/99°W Relative Related to another point West of Houston, TX
Place Physical features Climate, soil, bodies of water MS River Human features Buildings and transportation Square, Ole Miss, Sardis Lake
Human and Environment Interaction Adapting Planting crops Changing Dams and drilling for oil
Movement People, goods, and ideas move Exchanges take place Regions Unifying characteristics South shares food, culture, climate
Map-drawing of the Earth’s surface Special purpose maps Physical map-mountain ranges, bodies of water Political map-boundaries, cities, capitals
Thematic maps-deals with specific topics or THEMES Population-# of people Economic-$$$ Battle-battles in wars
Pacific Coast Western most region of North America Rocky Mountains From AK through western US
Interior Plains Central US Between Rockies and Appalachians Appalachian Mountains From Canada through eastern US
Coastal Plains Eastern most region Place where Europeans first settled
MS and MO Rivers Longest system Important for transportation
Marine Pacific NW Warm summers; cool winters Mediterranean CA Mild, wet winters Hot, dry summers
Desert, Highland, and Steppe Much of the Western US Humid Continental Central Plains and NE Mild summers and cold winters
Humid Subtropical SE US Warm and regular rainfall Tropical FL and HI
Tundra and Subarctic AK Cold, harsh climate
Primary source-first hand account EX: __________ Secondary source- secondhand account EX: _________
Is the source authentic? Genuine or fake? Is it reliable? Does it give an accurate account of the event? Is there bias? Political preferences, culture, past experiences
We can better understand those who came before us. We are linked to the past. We will be tomorrow’s history.
All societies must answer three economic questions What goods and services should we produce? How should we produce goods and services? For whom should we produce goods and services?
What is two benefits of owning a business in a free enterprise system?
How do social sciences help us to better study history? History combined with other social sciences gives us a more complete picture of the past.