4 th Nine Weeks Exam Review Middle East Rivers Middle East Cities Other Features in Europe Middle East Oceans & Seas African Rivers & Other Features Other Features in the Asian Rivers & Other Features Middle East Asian Oceans & Seas European Rivers & Cities European Oceans & Seas exit
The Nile River is: #1#2#3 The Euphrates River is: #1#2#3 The Tigris River is: #1#2# Middle East Rivers
* * * * * * * * Carthage : Rome: Venice: Mecca: Medina: Baghdad: Constantinople: Jerusalem: Middle East Cities
Black Sea Middle East Oceans & Seas Red Sea Persian Gulf Caspian Sea Aral Sea Mediterranean Sea Adriatic Sea Sea of Marmara Arabian Sea
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Other Features in the Middle East Strait of Hormuz Bosporus Greece Asia Minor Fertile Crescent Ancient Egypt Sahara Desert Arabian Peninsula Caucasus Mountains 2 Sinai Peninsula
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European Rivers & Cities * * 4 * * LondonParis MoscowAmsterdam Constantinople Venice Rome Tiber River Danube River Rhine River * * *
European Oceans & Seas Black Sea Caspian Sea Mediterranean Sea Adriatic Sea Sea of Marmara Atlantic Ocean North Sea Baltic Sea Alps Mts.DardanellesBosporus Strait of GibraltarCaucasus Mts
Other Features in Europe EnglandScotland Wales Ireland Spain Portugal France Holy Roman Empire Russia Ottoman Empire Greece Hungary
African Rivers & Other Features Niger River Zambezi River Limpopo River Congo River Nile River Sahara Desert Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Mt. Kilimanjaro Strait of Gibraltar
Asian Oceans & Seas Pacific OceanSea of JapanYellow Sea East China SeaSouth China Sea Bay of BengalIndian Ocean Mediterranean SeaRed SeaPersian Gulf
Asian Rivers & Other Features Indian SubcontinentAncient India Ancient ChinaGobi Desert Mongolia Huang He Chiang Jiang Himalaya Mts. Ganges River Indus River Japan
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