What is community sport ? Club sport School sport Municipal parks and recreation programs
What challenges does community sport face? Organization development – fund raising, program quality, and organizational effectiveness Volunteer leadership – recruitment, development, retention and recognition Facilities – building new, rebuilding old Access – ensuring that everyone can participate
What type of services can a community sport council offer? Coordinate facilities, registration, services, and standards for coaches, volunteers and administrative staff; Share information and learn best practices from each other; Apply for capital improvement grants and funds; Receive charitable donations, hold fund raising campaigns and approach sponsors as a united group;
Develop sport tourism, youth-at-risk prevention programs, volunteer development programs, coaching programs, focus on community health issues etc; Work together to develop sport-related special events in the region, e.g. Ontario Summer Games, championships and Games; Be part of the Ontario-wide Community Sport Network, to share information and best practices. What type of services can a community sport council offer?
The future of community sport councils: Sport tourism – event bidding, hosting and management Focus on community health development Service provider contracts with municipal government Provision/coordination of volunteer development services, eg coach training Revenue supports local development
What type of Funding is available to Councils? Ontario Trillium Foundation Municipal Funds Fundraising Events ie. Dinner
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