Christopher Marlowe By Hijo Byeun
All about Marlowe… Marlowe was a poet and at the same time a playwright during 16 th Renaissance era. He wrote seven plays and two poems. Also two translations. He was the leader and pioneer of the black verse dram, a poem that doesn’t rhyme.
Facts about his birth Marlowe was born in Canterbury, England in His father, John, is a shoemaker. He was baptized at the church, St. George, right after his birth. The year he was born, was part of the same artisan class with Shakespeare and it was the year when Galileo was born. St. George (the church)
The Marlowe Society This society is formed with people who accolade and praise Marlowe. Every twice a year, they publish newsletters which contains critics and comments of recent plays. Also, they distribute Research journal which includes all the facts about Marlowe and especially wider view and opinions based on his works.
Marlowe’s plays The Jew of Malta, is the first play that helped to approach tragic comedy during his career. Edward II, which is a very strong tragedy, is one of the play that led Shakespeare's literature. Tamburlaine the Great part 1 and 2 are the most well liked and admired among other works. The theme is daring nature and it consists the blank verse which helped it made it more decent and clever.
Marlowe’s Poems and Translations Hero and Leander is Marlowe’s utmost poem during his career. It was George Chapman who finished the poem in Lucan’s First Book of the Civil War translation, which was the blank verse, was very influential at the time when he wrote it.
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