How Well Do You Know The Human Body?! By Giana and Erin
Oxygen Goes down the trachea and then to the… Help the oxygen find its way to the cell, by dragging the “O” on the correct lines. Lungs Blood Stream Cell O
Tissues, Organs, and Organ Systems used to get oxygen to a cell
Do you know how our cells get nutrients? You have 10 seconds to rearrange these pictures and put them in the correct sequence so the nutrient can get to the cell. ( To find out if you are correct, move the box and find the answer!) (here it is broken down by enzymes) Are you correct!? Move this box to find out!
Tissues, Organs, and Organ Systems used in getting nutrients to cells.
Unscramble The Words to Figure out how the Body gets rid of Carbon Dioxide! When the cells get oxygen they use it as: genyer energy The oxygen is then turned into: brcano oxiedid carbon dioxide Then, the carbon dioxide gets taken away by the: lobod blood
Tissues, Organs, and Organ Systems used in getting rid of Carbon Dioxide
K R L P H N S I G J O N I Y E N F G B U L X A E D B L A D D E R S K Z R N Y Q S N H T I R E I V E A F R U O B N E P K E Y F M A I E J E T F O C W M A I N R T G E O A E R E R G F Q L D R P J L U E T S A W D I U Q I L What organ cleans the blood? Kidney In the kidney, what gets filtered? Liquid Waste Next, what does the waste get turned into? Urine Then, the urine passes through…? Ureters Where does the urine go next? Bladder What cells send the brain the message to use the restroom? Nerve Cell (This is the path that the liquid waste goes through to exit the body) Look for the Underlined Words in the Word Search!
Tissues, Organs, and Organ Systems used to get rid of Liquid Waste.
Circulatory System Small Intestine (nutrients are taken out) Large Intestine Out the anus as solid waste Circulatory System Small Intestine (nutrients are taken out) Large Intestine Out the anus as solid waste MOVE TO REVEAL ANSWER! Put In The Correct Order That Solid Waste Leaves Body ( you have 10 seconds!)
Tissues, Organs, and Organ Systems involved with getting rid of Solid Waste