MYP Project Wednesday, August 20 th 2014
Year 10 only A summative assignment Formal expression of what the student has learned during their years in the MYP, culmination of the MYP Focus on one areas of Global Contexts and reflect a topic of a real interest to the student, driven by an ATL (Approaches To Learning) Final objectives and final criteria Entirely student driven Teachers as supervisors What is the MYP Project?
Programme Model
Visualizing the project objectives
Product Journal Written reflection about process (Report) Elements of the Personal Project
MYP PROJECT OBJECTIVES Objective A : Investigating 1.Define a clear goal and global context for the project, base on personal interest. 2.Identify prior learning and subject- specific knowledge relevant to the project 3.Demonstrate research skill
MYP PROJECT OBJECTIVES Objective B : Planning 1.Develop criteria for the product / outcome 2.Plan and record the development process of the product 3.Demonstrate self – management skill
MYP PROJECT OBJECTIVES Objective C : Taking Action 1.Create a product / outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria 2.Demonstrate thinking skill 3.Demonstrate communicate and social skill
MYP PROJECT OBJECTIVES Objective D : Reflecting 1.Evaluate the quality of the product / outcome 2.Reflect on how completing the project has extended their knowledge and understanding of the topic and the global context 3.Reflect on their development as IB learner through the project
ATL (APPROACHES TO LEARNING) Includes specific learning skills Thinking Self management Research Social Communication
Global contexts and your personal project Step 1- Choose your topic and goal. Step 2— Choose ONE global context to focus your project through (for example: an inquiry into our personal and cultural expression) Step 3— Explain why you have chosen this Global context (refer to the explanation outlined with each context—for example, I chose this because I will be exploring...)
Global contexts and your personal project
Types of Projects Original work of art A written piece of work A piece of literary fiction An original science experiment An invention Business, management organizational plan etc
An International recipe book
A scientific model
A photo exhibition
Project Timeline