+ Web Copy That Sells: The Revolutionary Formula for Creating Killer Copy Every Time By: Maria Veloso Presented by Daniel Bright
+ Web Copy That Sells: What does this mean to you? The web is continuing to grow in the business world and everyone needs a website. Maria Veloso gives us a simple, yet effective blueprint to be successful when writing web copy Copywriters- People who use words to communicate a sales message online. (not to be confused with copy right)
+ Maria Veloso: A Copywriting Genius She is the director of Web Copywriting University Former director of creative writing at Aesop.com. 27 years of experience Well known as one of the best web copywriters in the world today
+ The Fundamental Rules for Writing Web Copy that Sells: Don’t make your website look like an advertisement Stop readers dead in their tracks Capture addresses - looks like an ad
+ Simple Web Copy Do’s and Don’ts: Do write in a conversational style Do use contractions. Ex: “I’ve” instead of “I have” Do not use “corporatespeak” Don’t try to impress your reader with fancy words. Do’s Don’ts
+ People Scan: Make your Copy Scannable Use bulleted lists to summarize content Highlight (by using bold or italic fonts or by underling selected keywords to help scanners move through your copy. Write meaningful subheads Present one idea per paragraph Use the inverted pyramid style of writing. Present key points and conclusions first, followed by less important information and background material.
+ 3 Things you Must Know Before you Write Web Copy: Know your objective! Know your target audience! Know your product or service!
+ What Your Web Copy Needs: Inject emotion. People buy on emotion and justify with logic. Words tell, Emotion sells. Add bullet points, bonuses, guarantee and close. Add psychological devices. A persuasion device that gets people to commit to the sale. Specific words you can plant in your web copy that make your readers believe what you say. Replace rational words with emotional words.
+ Give the Viewer a Reason Why: The “reason why” device. Always tell your readers why the need to do what you’re asking them to do. Something as simple as “ you must act now!” is sufficient. Limited time only! Cliffhanger Effect – make the viewer want to click through to the next page Embedded Commands- “I wonder how fast you will want to buy this product”
+ The First Look: The First Screen, The First Paragraph The most important element of a website is the first screen that is visible to the viewer. This is the prime area for sales and advertising. You must grab the attention of the reader so they continue on. Make them an offer they can not refuse The First Screen- What the viewer sees on their screen when they visit your site The First Paragraph
+ The Body: Give a compelling promise early in the body copy that the material viewers are about to read is worth their while. Establish early in the copy who is writing the piece and why the audience should believe the writer. Craft text links that are engaging and highly clickable. Use phrases that take the edge off the act of purchasing and make it look easy.
+ The Killer Internet Application How many people in this room have an address?
+ The Killer Internet Application Virtually every person who is online sends and receives , but not everyone surfs the web. s can get people to go to your website Helps build a relationship with your customer You want your to relate to other s they are getting Make it something they can recognize
+ You must use a program that will send each out at once so that spam blockers do not block your
+ What makes this book good? Veloso was able to explain to the reader the difference when writing on the web compared to everything else. Gave simple and easy steps to follow when writing web copy If you do this… Then this will happen Veloso presented her ideas as fact Very general What could this book improve upon?
+ Web Copy That Sells: 4 out of 5 stars on Amazon.com Information that any Internet marketer needs to know!