Javier Álvarez-Casariego Álvarez
Inversion WWhen the verb is used in a form with an auxiliary: Adverbial + auxiliary + subject + main verb HHardly had I started speaking when he interrupted me WWhen the verb is used with several auxiliaries: Adverbial + first auxiliary + subject + other auxiliaries + main verb NNever have i been introduced to so many people in a single night
Other inversions Using present or past simple: Adverbial + do/did + subject + main verb Never did he consider he might be discovered With the simple form of be, the main verb is placed before the subject Rarely was he at home
Common adverbials Little Little did I ever imagine that I would one day be working here myself Never Never have I seen anything more remarkable No sooner No sooner had she walked in the room that everyone felt silent Seldom Seldom have I encountered such rudeness! On no account On no account am I going to tell him what I think of him
Other adverbials So… that: So + adjective + be + subject + that So alarmed was he that he fell from his horse Only after/ Not until: They both introduce a clause. Only after his project is completed could we contemplate taking on something new Not until you convince me that you are committed will I give you my agreement
Exercises QuestionsAnswers 11. I had hardly begun to apologize when the door closed. 22. I have seldom heard such a talented singer. 33. If John had known that she liked curry, he would have brought her to an Indian restaurant. 44. The artist rarely paid any attention to his agent's advice. 55. He had never felt so depressed. 11. Hardly had I begun to apologize when the door closed. 22. Seldom have I heard such a talented singer. 33. Had John known that she liked curry, he would have brought her to an Indian restaurant. 44. Rarely did the artist pay attention to his agent's advice. 55. Never had he felt so depressed.
More exercises QuestionsAnswers 66. The shop can in no way be held responsible for customers' lost property. 77. The couple had no sooner arrived than the priest started the ceremony. 88. Tom only understood the meaning of the comment when he saw his wife's face. 99. She never at any time said that she was allergic to cats. 110. The restaurant cannot accept animals under any circumstances. 66. In no way can the shop be held responsible for customers' lost property. 77. No sooner had the couple arrived than the priest started the ceremony. 88. Only when he saw his wife's face did Tom realize the meaning of the comment. 99. Never at any time had she said (that) she was allergic to cats. 110. Under no circumstances can the restaurant accept animals.