GMO: Genetically Modified Organism Genetic engineering Selective breeding Genome Modification GRAS: Generally Recognised As Safe Cross Breeding Gene Splicing:


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Presentation transcript:

GMO: Genetically Modified Organism Genetic engineering Selective breeding Genome Modification GRAS: Generally Recognised As Safe Cross Breeding Gene Splicing: cutting the DNA to add base pairs Gene transfer Biotechnology Bacterial DNA Transfer Allergic reactions Side-effects Crops Increased nutrition Pest control GM Maize crops Genetic contamination Genes Transgenic food Labeling of GM Food

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Is Genetic Engineering playing God? Should we invest on GMOs or take them out of the market? Can GMOs help to decrease malnutrition in the third world? Are GM Crops a better solution to prevent pests from destroying agriculture? Should we demand the strict labeling of GM food? Is genetic contamination a real problem? Is Genetic Engineering play to be God? Is selective breeding also a way of genetic modifying? Is it profitable to produce and comercialize GM food?