3-1 Dell Virtualization Advisor ec8-c94f a41-c20382db1cd0&c=us&l=en&cs=555 Topic 2: vSphere 4 Deployment Guidelines 12
3-2 ESX 4.0 Installation Topic 3: ESX Installation Non-VMFS formatted LUNs appear as unpartitioned Unplug SAN if LUNs not needed during ESX Install 27
3-3 Resetting root Password If the root password for ESX Server is lost, you can change the it on ESX Server without re-installing 1.Power On or Reboot the ESX host and at the GRUB menu, press ' a '. 2.Type “ single” at the end of the line (after the word “quiet”). 3.The ESX host will boot to a # prompt. 4.Type 'passwd ' and enter a new UNIX password twice for root. 5.Type 'reboot ' Topic 6: Troubleshooting ESX Server 3
3-4 Configure Physical NICs Topic 2: Creating & Modifying Virtual Networks using CLI esxcfg-nics –s 100 –d full vmnic1 esxcfg-nics –s 1000 –d full vmnic2 esxcfg-nics –s 100 –d full vmnic3 esxcfg-nics –l esxcfg-nics –s 1000 –d full vmnic0 5
3-5 Configure Virtual Switches esxcfg-vswitch –a vSwitch4:64 esxcfg-vswitch –A PortVLAN101 vSwitch4 esxcfg-vswitch –L vmnic2 vSwitch4 VMNIC4 esxcfg-vswitch –A PortVLAN102 vSwitch4 esxcfg-vswitch –v 101 –p PortVLAN101 vSwitch4 esxcfg-vswitch –v 102 –p PortVLAN102 vSwitch4 esxcfg-vswitch –L vmnic3 vSwitch4 Topic 2: Creating & Modifying Virtual Networks using CLI 7
3-6 Configure the VMkernel Port esxcfg-vswitch –a vSwitch4:16 esxcfg-vswitch –A VMotion vSwitch4 esxcfg-vswitch –L vmnic3 vSwitch4 esxcfg-route esxcfg-vswitch –L vmnic2 vSwitch4 esxcfg-vmknic –a –i –n VMotion esxcfg-route –a esxcfg-route –l vimsh -n -e “/hostsvc/vmotion/vnic_set VMotion” Topic 2: Creating & Modifying Virtual Networks using CLI 9
3-7 Adding a second Service Console esxcfg-vswitch –L vmnic2 vSwitch4 esxcfg-vswitch –L vmnic3 vSwitch4 esxcfg-vswif –a –i n p SCon2 vswif1 esxcfg-vswitch –A SCon2 vSwitch4 esxcfg-vswitch –a vSwitch4:16 esxcfg-vmknic –a –i –n IPStorage esxcfg-vswitch –A IPStorage vSwitch4 esxcfg-vswitch –v 33 –p SCon2 vSwitch4 esxcfg-vswitch –v 33 –p IPStorage vSwitch4 Topic 2: Creating & Modifying Virtual Networks using CLI 9
3-8 Viewing Multipathing Path States: – Active (I/O), Active, Disabled, and Dead Preferred path is designated with an * Active (I/O) is the current path being used under Fixed and MRU Topic 1: Storage Concepts 4
3-9 Enter the IP address/Port of each iSCSI target Maximum targets: 64 Static Discovery – Enter iSCSI Target Name Dynamic Discovery – Uses “Send Targets” to discover LUNs and all available paths Discovering iSCSI Targets Topic 2: iSCSI Storage (GUI & Command Line) 2
3-10 Configure Software Initiator: CHAP Authentication Topic 2: iSCSI Storage (GUI & Command Line) Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) is disabled by default To authenticate the ESX Server to the iSCSI Target, enable CHAP and enter CHAP name and CHAP secret CHAP can be set for each target individually 1
3-11 Viewing and Creating a VMFS Datastore Topic 4: VMFS Datastores (GUI & Command Line) 6
3-12 Add an Extent to your existing VMFS The list of possible extents to add will not include LUNs with an existing VMFS, or an RDM mounted to a VM Topic 4: VMFS Datastores (GUI & Command Line) 6
3-13 Expanding your SAN LUN You can expand a SAN LUN using Mfg. software ESX 3 cannot stretch the VMFS partition on the LUN – Same as adding an extent, results in multiple partitions combined – ESX 4 can perform dynamic expansion of VMFS volumes Topic 4: VMFS Datastores (GUI & Command Line) Process used here: 1.Use SAN software to add another 200 GB to an existing 500 GB LUN 2.Rescan from Storage Adapters shows 700 GB LUN Capacity 3.Properties of existing 500 GB VMFS LUN shows Capacity of 700 GB but Primary Partition of 500 GB 4.Choosing Add Extent allows adding the extra 200 GB extent 5.The final VMFS will be 700 GB with two extents, not one large primary partition 5
3-14 Manage vSphere Licenses Topic 1: Licensing 8
3-15 Guided Consolidation Select which systems to analyze Consolidation phase converts physical machines to VMs Topic 4: Managing vCenter Server 2
3-16 vCenter Server 4 Database Sizing Topic 5: Planning vCenter Server Deployment Use different numbers to produce estimates In vCenter 4 go to the Administration Menu & choose vCenter Server 4 Settings 4
3-17 VMware Tools Configurable Features Time Synchronization Tools on the taskbar Upgrade Availability Connected Devices Preconfigured Scripts Shared Folders and Shrink are not available on ESX Topic 1: Create a VM 3
3-18 Deploy VM from Template Topic 2: Create Multiple VMs, Templates & Clones 6
3-19 Customization Specification Manager Specifications can be created, saved, copied, imported, exported or edited Topic 2: Create Multiple VMs, Templates & Clones 16
3-20 Import Virtual Appliances Select host or cluster Import from VA marketplace, file, or URL Appliance is validated for ESX prior to import Topic 3: Virtual Appliances 8
3-21 Enterprise Converter Usage vCenter Server 4.01 Plug-in enables Converter Enterprise Converter is an optional component during vCenter Server installation Topic 4: VMware Converter (P2V – V2V 11
3-22 VMware Converter Standalone vCenter Converter Standalone can be installed on any computer Client / Server architecture allows client and server to be on different computers Topic 4: VMware Converter (P2V – V2V 21
3-23 VM Properties - Hardware tab Topic 5: Manage VMs DEVICEAddEditRemove FloppyOFFON / OFFOFF CD/DVDOFFON / OFFOFF Network AdapterON/OFF USBON/OFFN/AON/OFF SCSI ControllerOFF Hard DiskON / OFFON*/OFFON/OFF Parallel PortOFF Serial PortOFF SCSI DeviceON/OFFN/AON/OFF ON = VM Powered On OFF = VM Powered Off * = Can not have snapshots Shown as Powered On Remainder Shown as Powered Off 11
3-24 VM Properties - Options tab Topic 5: Manage VMs 14
3-25 Web Access Tasks Topic 8: Web Access When logged into vCenter, Datacenter and Alarm information is available 13
3-26 Obfuscate will encrypt the link so that it’s options are not obvious Generate Virtual Machine Shortcut Topic 8: Web Access Provides a way to access a VM through a URL Useful for including in an instant message or an message Similar to the MMC Taskpad Without either check box, the link points to the top of Web Access With the top checkbox, all VMs show, but tabs for Alarms, Tasks, and Events are not shown With the second checkbox, only one VM will show with the tabs With both checkboxes, the view is limited to a single VM with no tab options 4
3-27 How VMotion Works Users currently accessing VM1-1 on ESX1 Initiate migration of VM1-1 from ESX1 to ESX2 while VM1-1 is up and running ESX Server 1 Shared Storage Virtual Disk and Config files ESX Server 2 VM1-1 CorpNet Network VM Motion Network ESX Server 1 Step One: Step Two: Pre-copy memory from ESX1 to ESX2 Log ongoing memory changes Copy changed memory, Log new changes Repeat copying changed memory until remaining changes are small enough to copy during the quiesce Quiesce virtual machine on ESX1 Copy remaining memory to ESX2 Copy VM State information (registers, etc) Step Three: Step Four: Start VM1-1 on ESX2 Users now access VM1-1 on ESX2 Step Five: Delete VM1-1 from ESX1 after migration is successful 1 1 VM Memory 2 Remaining Memory Topic 1: Configuring VMotion 4 VM state – Registers, etc
3-28 Cluster Map View: Host to Datastore Topic 1: Configuring VMotion Cluster Map View: Host to Network Cluster Map View: Host to VM Cluster Map View: VM to Network Cluster Map View: VM to Datastore Cluster Map View: Host to Network and Datastore Cluster Map ViewHost Map View
3-29 Storage VMotion in vSphere 4 Topic 2: Storage VMotion Built-in to the Migrate Wizard VMotion or Storage VMotion, not both at once Can cold migrate both at once Can reprovision (thin/thick) the disk while migrating (hot/cold)
3-30 Dynamic Balancing / History Dynamic balancing –Monitor VM, resource pool, and ESX host statistics –Balances and maintains resources for pools and VMs –DRS Recommendations of which VMs to migrate Topic 3: Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) Cluster
3-31 Resource Shares Dynamic resource management –Only used if there is resource contention –Prevents a single VM from utilizing all the resources –Prioritizes specific VM resource usage during contention 1000 Shares – 25% Number of Shares Equal (each has 25%) 2000 Shares – 22% 1000 Shares – 11% 2000 Shares – 22% 4000 Shares – 45% Changing Share Values (% varies on # of shares) Topic 4: Resource Pools and Monitoring Starting a VM changes resource allocation 2000 Shares – 20% 1000 Shares – 10% 2000 Shares – 20% 4000 Shares – 40% 1000 Shares – 10% Turning off VM changes resource allocation 2000 Shares – 22% 1000 Shares – 11% 2000 Shares – 22% 4000 Shares – 45% 1000 Shares Turned off 3
3-32 Expandable Reservations Topic 4: Resource Pools and Monitoring Allow use of available parent resources when a Resource Pool’s Reservation for a resource has been reached Maximum of up to 12 levels of resource pools allowed Events that trigger Expandable Reservation use: –Power on VM –Create child resource pool –Change resource pool reservation What is necessary to start VM67-1 below? MB MB = 206 MB overhead
3-33 Creating a Distributed Virtual Switch Created in Inventory Networking Select which hosts are going to use this switch. Only unallocated NICs can be selected. A default Portgroup called dvPortGroup can be created. Topic 5: vNetwork Distributed Switches
3-34 Edit dvSwitch Settings Physical NICs can only be changed on the configuration tab of the ESX host. Topic 5: vNetwork Distributed Switches
3-35 Edit dvSwitch Policy Settings Security Policies can only be set at the Portgroup level Both outbound and inbound traffic shaping can be set at either the dvSwitch level or the portgroup level The uplink ports always support trunking. VLAN tags are only placed on packets if VLAN are defined at the portgroup level. Filter what VLANs are allowed on this screen NIC Teaming can not be changed at the dvSwitch level Topic 5: vNetwork Distributed Switches
3-36 Edit dvSwitch Port Group Settings Port binding defines when port numbers are assigned to a VM for use by Teaming policies Same options as Standard vSwitches Topic 5: vNetwork Distributed Switches
3-37 Create Host Profile Host Profiles Screen or Hosts and Cluster Screen Topic 6: Host Profiles
3-38 Edit Host Profile Each configuration option can be set as fixed or to prompt the user for specific settings when the profile is applied such as hostname. Hosts attached to the profile are checked for compliance to the Configuration settings by default. Topic 6: Host Profiles
3-39 Create a Linked Mode Group During the vCenter Install Process After Install use the programs menu Topic 7: Linked Mode Group of vCenter Servers
3-40 Update Manager Baselines Created for VM, VA, and Host patches Choose which patches to apply Patches are selected from the Patch Repository Patch metadata must be downloaded prior to creating a baseline Topic 2: Patching with Update Manager 6
3-41 Update Manager Tab Integrated into Virtual Center for hosts and VMs Attach a baseline to scan or remediate (patch) host or VM Scans and patching can be run immediately or can be scheduled Topic 2: Patching with Update Manager 2
3-42 Update Manager Remediation Defaults and Configuration Options Guest Settings - Snapshot a VM prior to installing a patch, can auto delete the snapshot ESX Host Settings - Maintenance mode failure options Port Settings configuration Topic 2: Patching with Update Manager 4
3-43 Update Manager Downloads Schedule the download of patches Repository Location –Set during Install C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VMware\VMware Update Manager\Data (Default) –Configured After Install Modify tag in C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\Update Manager\vci- integrity.xml file Topic 2: Patching with Update Manager 2
3-44 Remediation ESX Hosts use the Hosts and Clusters View VMs use the Virtual Machines and Templates View Now Remediate a Host Topic 2: Patching with Update Manager 8
3-45 ESX Upgrade using Update Manager Use Host Upgrade option in New Baseline Wizard Attach Baseline and Remediate as usual Can be used to upgrade 3.x to 4.x ISO only needs to be uploaded one time per version Topic 3: Upgrades and Migrations 7
Course Introduction and Methodology 2 - Virtualization Overview 3 - Planning and Installing ESX 4 - Using Tools to Administer a VMware Environment 5 - Configuring Networking 6 - Configuring Storage 7 - vCenter Server and Licensing 8 - VM Creation, Configuration, and Snapshots 9 - Security and Permissions 10 - Advanced ESX and vCenter Management 11 - Patching and Upgrading ESX 12 - Disaster Recovery and Backup 13 - Server and VM Monitoring 14 - Installing and Configuring ESXi VMware Ultimate Bootcamp TM Learn IT! Do IT! Know IT!
3-47 VMware HA in Action VC Server ESX Server Virtual Machine B Virtual Machine C ESX Server Virtual Machine D Virtual Machine A Virtual Machine E Virtual Machine F ESX Server Virtual Machine B Virtual Machine A Topic 2: High Availability (HA) HA 2
3-48 Host Isolation Switch ESX Server Virtual Machine B Virtual Machine C ESX Server Virtual Machine D Virtual Machine A Virtual Machine E Virtual Machine F ESX Server Virtual Machine B Virtual Machine A Topic 2: High Availability (HA) HA Network problems can create host isolation conditions VMware HA waits 15 seconds before determining host isolation – This interval is configurable in Advanced Options under HA Settings ( das.failuredetectiontime = # of milliseconds, is the default) Two Isolation Response Choices Power Off VMs so new host(s) can power them on or Leave VMs Powered (locked) 3
3-49 HA VM Monitoring Will restart a VM if the VMware Tools Heartbeat is not seen for a specified period of time. Topic 2: High Availability (HA) 3
3-50 Configure Virtual Appliance Configure Network via Console or Web Interface Login to console to change root password – Default password: Topic 7: VMware Date Recovery 1
3-51 Configure Data Recovery Appliance and Setup Backup Job Login and Run the Getting Started Wizard Backups will occur once per day during the Backup Window Topic 7: VMware Date Recovery 8
3-52 Customize Performance Chart Use a Stacked Graph to drill down to find a problem Hover over a color bar to get detailed information 3
3-53 Veeam Monitor Demo Topic 2: VM Performance Monitoring 3
3-54 Alarm Settings Click in each column to change setting Values in Drop downs can be overwritten by typing Over 100 Virtual Machine Event Triggers to choose from There are 9 Host state Triggers There are almost 100 Host Event Triggers There are 27 Cluster specific Triggers Use these settings to avoid alarms repeating over short periods of time or small changes to trigger thresholds Once an alarm has been triggered, Now What? 10 choices for Virtual Machines Choose when and how often to act. 9 more choices for Hosts Just the 3 basic Actions available for Cluster Alarms 10
3-55 Demo: Installation of ESXi 4.0 Topic 2: ESXi Installation 11