Delegation Growing Leadership
Problem Solving There are four common reasons why people do not perform the way they should – all responsibilities for leadership 1) They don’t know what they are supposed to do 2) They don’t know how to do it 3) They don’t know why they should 4) There are obstacles beyond their control 1-3 deal with starting a job correctly. Have a training program, job description, proper tools and vision along with good communication
Problem Solving Process Identify the problem – Acts 6:1a Prioritize the problem – Acts 6:2 Define the problem – Acts 6:1b Select people to help you – Acts 6:2, 5 Get problem causes Not enough leaders, no Greek speaking leaders Get problem solutions Need more leaders, need Greek speaking leaders Prioritize and select the best solution – Acts 6:3-4 Implement the best solution – Acts 6:5-6 Evaluate the solution – Acts 6:7 Decide on principles or policies to avoid problem Policies are many and will change – Acts 7-8 Principles are few and never change – Acts 8:17
Delegation Delegation is the most powerful tool leaders have It increases group productivity & gives others a chance to grow and learn to succeed Share responsibility and authority to meet a greater need Distributing authority help the church solve its problems
Why Leaders don’t Delegate 1) Insecurity (Fear of job not being done well or being criticized) 2) Lack of Confidence in others (Unbelief) 3) Lack of ability to train others (Incompetence, training must be done before and after delegation)
Why Leaders don’t Delegate 4) Personal enjoyment of the task (Selfishness) Focus on doing the tasks that no one else can do, delegate whatever you can 5) Habit (Lazy, Not thinking) 6) Inability to find someone else to do it (Not thinking or searching hard enough, no one able)
Why Leaders don’t Delegate 7) Reluctance caused by past failures (Regret, Rarely is delegation failure the subordinates fault) 8) Lack of time (Prioritize) 9) An “I can do it” mindset (Pride)
Steps Toward Delegation Never just dump tasks on people if you want them to succeed. Ease them into it 1) Ask them to be fact finders only Mark 1:17 – Come follow me 2) Ask them to make suggestions Mark 6:37-38 – You give them something to eat, How many loaves do you have?
Steps Toward Delegation 3) Ask them to implement one of their suggestions, but only after you give your approval Matthew 14:27-29 – Peter walked on water after asking Jesus vs (Luke 9:54 James & John fire) 4) Ask them to take action on their own, but report results immediately Mark 6:7,12,30 – The 12 were sent out by Jesus, did the work and reported back to him 5) Give complete authority Mark 16:15 – Go…and preach the good news to all creation
Tips about Delegating 1) Don’t always delegate the same task to the same people, give others a chance to learn, give new tasks to the older people 2) Give people as much information about the task as possible 3) Controls need to be built in to prevent disaster and give you confidence 4) Focus on the results more than methods, don’t hinder initiative & creativity
Tips about Delegating 5) Give the right and responsibility to make decisions 6) Always be honest about the nature of the task 7) Delegation is not assigning work, but giving the right and responsibility to determine what work must be done, how and by who
Tips about Delegating 8) Give as much advice as you can, and always be available for direction and input, but avoid telling them what to do and encourage them to solve problems on their own. They need to learn 9) Always take accountability on what you delegate, but fit the accountability to fit the person 10) Don’t give up on people if they make mistakes, find out what happened and learn from it
Vision – Dream – Direction Goal Plan Priorities Delegation & Hard work ↓ Goal Plan Priorities Delegation & Hard work Committed (Build-up Environment, Solve Problems, Constantly Improve, Sharpen the Saw) SUCCESS
Staff Development
Training Five step process for training people (Timothy) You Model – they watch You Mentor – they learn the why and how of each step You Monitor – they perform the task while you assist and correct You Motivate – they are left alone to improve while you encourage You Multiply – they are able to train others to do the job
Equipping Potential Leaders Give the “ Big Three” → How to have a structure and the freedom to be creative: Responsibility, Authority, and Accountability → Accept responsibility for the task, Give permission to act → Responsibility and Authority helps people to be genuinely empowered → Accountability makes sure that the right things are happening