Peril faced by Paul & 275 others at sea in Acts 27: Peril faced by Paul & 275 others at sea in Acts 27: – The winds were constantly contrary – v. 4.


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Presentation transcript:

Peril faced by Paul & 275 others at sea in Acts 27: Peril faced by Paul & 275 others at sea in Acts 27: – The winds were constantly contrary – v. 4 – Sailed with difficulty, wind not constantly permitting – v. 7 – Sailing constantly with difficulty, sailing was now dangerous – v. 8-9 – “I am perceiving this voyage will end with disaster” – v. 10 – The harbor was not suitable to winter in – v. 12 – A tempestuous, typhoon-like head wind arose – v. 14 – The ship was caught, so they let it be driven by the wind – v. 15 – They secured the skiff with difficulty – v. 16 – Repeatedly used cables to undergird the ship over and over – v. 17 – Constantly fearing run aground, lowered gear, driven by wind – v. 17 – They were exceedingly and repeatedly tempest-tossed – v. 18 – They lightened the ship of its cargo – v. 18 – They threw the ship’s tackle/equipment overboard – v. 19

Peril faced by Paul & 275 others at sea in Acts 27: Peril faced by Paul & 275 others at sea in Acts 27: – The sun and stars kept not appearing for many days – v. 20 – No small tempest kept on beating on us – v. 20 – All hope of being saved was draining out and given up – v. 20 – Long abstinence from food – v. 21 – Incurred disaster and loss – v. 22 – “There will be loss of the ship” – v. 22 – “We must run aground on a certain island” – v. 26 – The fourteenth night had come – v. 27 – They were continually driven up and down the Adria Sea – v. 27 – About midnight drawing near some land – v. 27 – Constantly fearing they’d run aground on the rocks – v. 29 – They dropped four small anchors & prayed for daylight – v. 29 – The sailors were seeking to escape the ship – v. 30

Peril faced by Paul & 275 others at sea in Acts 27: Peril faced by Paul & 275 others at sea in Acts 27: – “You cannot be saved” – v. 31 – Cut away the ropes of the skiff and let it fall off – v. 32 – Waiting, continuing without food, ate nothing for 14 days – v. 33 – They lightened the ship and threw out the wheat into the sea – v. 38 – When it was day, they did not recognize the land – v. 39 – They developed a plan to run the ship ashore – v. 39 – They let go of the anchors and left them in the sea – v. 40 – They loosed the rudder ropes – v. 40 – They hoisted the foresail to wind and were heading for shore – v. 40 – They struck a reef where two seas met, ran aground – v. 41 – The prow stuck fast and remained immovable – v. 41 – The stern was being broken up repeatedly by force of waves – v. 41 – Soldiers plan was to start killing all of the prisoners – v. 42

Consigned Consigned – Given over to this one fact: GOD IS IN CONTROL! Difficulties to Deal with? (“difficulty” 3x in Acts 27) Difficulties to Deal with? (“difficulty” 3x in Acts 27) Fears to Face? (continuous “fearing/afraid” 3x in Acts 27) Fears to Face? (continuous “fearing/afraid” 3x in Acts 27) Winds to Weather? (“wind/tempest” 9x in Acts 27) Winds to Weather? (“wind/tempest” 9x in Acts 27) – GOD IS IN CHARGE! GOD IS ON THE THRONE! Isaiah saw the Lord sitting on His throne – Isa. 6:1; cf. Psa. 47:8 Isaiah saw the Lord sitting on His throne – Isa. 6:1; cf. Psa. 47:8 His throne is in heaven & His kingdom rules over all – Psa. 103:19 His throne is in heaven & His kingdom rules over all – Psa. 103:19 Righteousness & justice are the foundation of His throne – 89:14 Righteousness & justice are the foundation of His throne – 89:14 Lovingkindness & truth go before Him and from Him – Psa. 89:14 Lovingkindness & truth go before Him and from Him – Psa. 89:14 – Courage knows that God is able to make “all things work together for good” for His children – Rom. 8:28

Consigned Consigned Contented Contented – Paul seemed to be the only one on board unruffled Rather than listen to him, centurion followed majority – 27:11-12 Rather than listen to him, centurion followed majority – 27:11-12 On board, there was fear, cowardice, deceit, murderous threats On board, there was fear, cowardice, deceit, murderous threats Two weeks of tempestuous, bleak conditions without eating Two weeks of tempestuous, bleak conditions without eating – Paul told everyone to “take heart” – Acts 27:22, 25 – Paul urged/encouraged them all the eat – Acts 27:33-34 – Paul gave thanks for his two-week-old food – Acts 27:35 – Courage learns to be content

Consigned Consigned Contented Contented Concerned Concerned – Even with his life in danger, Paul not concerned for self – Paul concerned about his fellow-prisoners & the soldiers “Take heart, for there will be no loss of life” – Acts 27:22 “Take heart, for there will be no loss of life” – Acts 27:22 “All those who sail with you” – Acts 27:24 “All those who sail with you” – Acts 27:24 “Unless these men stay in the ship, you cannot be saved” – 27:31 “Unless these men stay in the ship, you cannot be saved” – 27:31 “Paul implored them to take food” – Acts 27:33 “Paul implored them to take food” – Acts 27:33 “I urge you to take nourishment, for this is for your survival, since not a hair will fall from the head of any of you” – Acts 27:23 “I urge you to take nourishment, for this is for your survival, since not a hair will fall from the head of any of you” – Acts 27:23 — Courage focuses on the needs of others and not self — Courage focuses on the needs of others and not self

Consigned Consigned Contented Contented Concerned Concerned Conviction-Filled Conviction-Filled – There is ONE GOD – “THE GOD” – Acts 27:23 The God to whom I BELONG – Acts 27:23; 1 Cor. 6:20 The God to whom I BELONG – Acts 27:23; 1 Cor. 6:20 The God whom I SERVE – Acts 27:23; Matt. 4:10 The God whom I SERVE – Acts 27:23; Matt. 4:10 I BELIEVE God – Acts 27:25; Rom. 4:16-25 I BELIEVE God – Acts 27:25; Rom. 4:16-25 – Courage is driven by an abiding confidence in THE GOD

Consigned Consigned Contented Contented Concerned Concerned Conviction-Filled Conviction-Filled Certain Certain – “All hope was given up” (27:20) – but not Paul’s – Paul walked/sailed by faith & not by sight – 2 Cor. 5:7 – Paul knew that God would keep His word “It will be just as it was told me” – Acts 27:25 “It will be just as it was told me” – Acts 27:25 “There will be no loss of life” – Acts 27:22 “There will be no loss of life” – Acts 27:22 – Paul also knew that God’s promises are conditional – v. 31

Consigned Consigned Contented Contented Concerned Concerned Conviction-Filled Conviction-Filled Certain Certain Connected Connected – “There stood by me this night an angel of the God” – v. 23 – “God has granted you…” – Acts 27:24 – Paul’s connection with God saved everyone on board

Consigned Consigned Contented Contented Concerned Concerned Conviction-Filled Conviction-Filled Certain Certain Connected Connected Contagious Contagious – Paul was respected by the centurion – Acts 27:3, 31, 43 – Through Paul “they were all encouraged and also took food themselves” – Acts 27:36