Lesson 1: Introductory Matters
I.Having a Biblical understanding of this subject (MDR) is of critical importance! It is not a trivial matter! A.First of all, it is a matter of eternal significance! B.This matter has a national significance! C.This matter has a church significance! D.This matter has a Biblical significance!
II.Studying and teaching this subject (MDR) is a very sensitive matter! A.This subject reaches out and touches everyone – personally, emotionally & with family. B.Self-justification and justification of loved ones, at any cost, often takes precedence. C.When there are children involved, the matter is complicated exponentially. D.The highly controversial nature of this subject has divided congregations and families. E.Discerning and abiding by God’s law is often set aside for one’s personal preferences.
III.Studying MDR must be entered w/ the proper attitude! A.…a proper attitude toward marriage itself. B.…a proper attitude toward God Himself! 1.Our love for God must exceed our love for anyone else. 2.Our submission to God must override our submission to anyone else. 3.Our attitude of love and submission should lead us to true repentance from sin. 4.Our respect for God will not allow us to improperly invoke His love and mercy as justification for sinful actions.
III.Studying MDR must be entered w/ the proper attitude! A.…a proper attitude toward marriage itself. B.…a proper attitude toward God Himself! C.…a proper attitude toward God’s Word! 1.…respects the perfection of God’s revelation. 2.…objectively seeks the truth without preconceived ideas. 3.…recognizes that the Bible is knowable and understandable. 4.…desires to obey truth regardless of cost or where it leads. 5.…accepts that some consequences to sin are unalterable. D.…a proper attitude toward one another! 1.…possesses and demonstrates agape love for all. 2.…is gracious and forgiving but not compromising.
IV.Studying MDR must be entered w/ the proper authority! A.When it comes to MDR, which standard shall we use? B.Proper Authority Option #1: Fickle Emotions 1.…when something doesn’t seem fair or right. 2.…when something doesn’t make sense. 3.Our emotions are not qualified to be the authority! 4.Our emotions do not determine or change Biblical teaching!
IV.Studying MDR must be entered w/ the proper authority! A.When it comes to MDR, which standard shall we use? B.Proper Authority Option #1: Fickle Emotions C.Proper Authority Option #2: Family Situations 1.Some seek to justify family, creating a “new standard.” 2.Our families do not determine or change Biblical teaching! D.Proper Authority Option #3: Fellow Brethren 1.Find a preacher who agrees…or argue more brethren agree 2.Our brethren do not determine or change Biblical teaching!
IV.Studying MDR must be entered w/ the proper authority! A.When it comes to MDR, which standard shall we use? B.Proper Authority Option #1: Fickle Emotions C.Proper Authority Option #2: Family Situations D.Proper Authority Option #3: Fellow Brethren E.Proper Authority Option #4: Flawless Word of God 1.The Word of God is the only standard that is objective, Divine and pleasing to God. 2.The Word of God is the sole authority for all religious matters (Mt. 28:18; Col. 3:17). 3.The Word of God is the final authority that will judge us (John 12:48; 2 Cor. 5:10).
V.Studying MDR must be entered w/ the proper analysis! A.Proper analysis requires: 1.“Handling aright the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). 2.Love for truth and desire to know it 3.Humility and an open mind 4.A willingness to apply what is learned 5.Studying the content of each passage 6.Studying the context of each passage 7.Gathering all the relevant Scriptural evidence 8.Handling the evidence correctly 9.Refusing to add to or take away from what is revealed 10.Staying within the truth, observing it carefully and completely B.After proper analysis, hold only to that which is true
VI.Keys to remember when studying MDR A.Marriage is sacred (Heb. 13:4). B.As marriage was created by God, He alone has the right to regulate it (Gen. 2:24; Mt. 19:6). C.God’s Word is our only standard; it must be taught, respected and obeyed (Matt. 7:21). D.The Bible’s teaching about MDR is not complicated, cloaked or contradictory. E.Actually, the Bible’s teaching about MDR is straightforward, simple and systematic. F.Do what it says and you’ll have no problems. VII.There are numerous and varying positions on MDR