0 CommCare Platform Overview
1 About Dimagi Created out of Harvard and MIT Media Lab, offices in Cambridge, USA; New Delhi, India; Cape Town, SA; and Maputo, MZ Leaders in Open-Source development and Software-as-a-Service support for mobile technology Collaborative Model of Dimagi technology with partners in implementation and research Highly qualified team of 50+ with scientists, public health experts, physicians, engineers and field consultants 10+ years of experience with over 100 ICT projects across numerous sectors and technology approaches
2 Turnkey configurable solutions that do not require software developers to deploy Enterprise-class SaaS cloud hosting with economies of scale (hosted at leading providers Rackspace with DB support form Cloudant) Leader of scientific research for ICT solutions Enable rapid iteration and innovation while supporting global scale Strategic partnerships that leverage our technology products across sectors and enterprises Unique Open Source Product Focus
4 LogisticsLogisticsCommunicationCommunication Data and Workflow Dimagi Products – Powered by CommCare Data collection and case management solution Java feature phones or Android smartphones & tablets Secure and scalable 2-way SMS-based applications Any SMS-enabled mobile device. SMS point of service logistics management systems Manage inventory and logistics for remote sites. Implementation Services: technology enablement, design, and support CommTrack CommConnect CommCare
5 Cross Sector Support Dimagi Products HealthLogisticsAgriculture Education and Training Water and Sanitation Financial Services for the Poor Emergency Response Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment Governance and Accountability Select Implementers In Discussions
6 Current Market Penetration Key Stats 31 Active countries 7 Active Sectors 492 Projects to Date 6,050 Users to Date 350K Cases to Date 1.6 MM Forms to Date 135 Active Projects 2,027 Active Users 61,213 Active Cases 200,875 Forms last Month
8 CommCare: Mobile Solution for Frontline Workers Improving Access: Frontline Workers get SMS reminders for visits and encouragement to increase coverage of every eligible client. Improving Quality: Frontline Workers use electronic checklists, decision support, and educational training materials. Improving Experience: Frontline Workers use audio clips, pictures, and videos to enhance credibility and discuss sensitive topics. Improving Accountability: Frontline Worker programs extensively leverage data on CommCareHQ to improve supervision and monitoring of their programs (improving accountability) See online video demoonline video demo Frontline Workers use CommCare in each activity to register and track clients.
9 CommCare Use Case Record patient information Question Select Exit CommCareHQ Information System CommCareHQ Information System Select Exit SMS Reminder Reena is overdue for his follow-up treatment please follow-up with her. SMS Reminder Reena is overdue for his follow-up treatment please follow-up with her. Follow-up with clients Find Existing Clients Provide Multimedia counseling Build your application Manage Your Data and Workforce
10 CommCare: Mobile Solution for Frontline Workers Manage Data Use CommCare Mobile for complex data collection, submitted to the web in real-time Manage Clients Use “case management” to track client data Engage with Multimedia Use images, audio, and video to educate and engage frontline workers and their clients. Manage Apps and Users Remotely manage your CommCare application and mobile workforce from our web-based application. Monitor & Support Workforce “Active Data Management” utilizes the data you collect to focus on the continuous performance improvement of your workforce. Mobile Web
11 CommCare: Mobile Solution for Frontline Workers Manage Apps and Users Remotely manage your CommCare application and mobile workforce from our web-based application. Monitor & Support Workforce “Active Data Management” utilizes the data you collect to focus on the continuous performance improvement of your workforce. Web Manage Data Use CommCare Mobile for complex data collection, submitted to the web in real-time Manage Clients Use “case management” to track client data Engage with Multimedia Use images, audio, and video to educate and engage frontline workers and their clients. Mobile
12 CommCare: DEMO CommCare Overview: CRS India:
13 Case Management Track Clients Over Time -Routinely visit the same clients -Manage entire case lifecycle offline if connectivity is unavailable -All data stored locally on the workers’ mobile device Monitor Cases From the Web -View all registered cases online -Track how data is changing over time -Monitor worker productivity
14 Application Builder Create Your Own Application -Online tools to build your own CommCare application -Collect information including dates, multiple choice, images, video, bar code, and GPS. -Create simple surveys or complex counseling forms Download From the App Store -Leverage previously built apps to get started quickly -Share your own apps with the community
15 Active Data Management Continuous Performance Improvement -Support for Project Coordinators in managing workforce -Analyze all data submitted to server to improve worker performance -Targeted, actionable follow-up activities for supervisors -Weekly and monthly reports
16 Community Health Worker Challenges Accountability - Monitoring reports delayed - Only aggregate data delivered - Data quality low Access - Many eligible beneficiaries not enrolled - Missed visits and referrals - Inefficiency - High CHW attrition Quality - Short visits - Key steps skipped - Sensitive issues avoided - Insufficient training Experience - Jobaids left at home - Low credibility - Messages not engaging
17 CommCare: Benefits Accountability + CommCareHQ provides real time monitoring of daily activity of each CHW + Dimagi’s Active Data Management improves workforce performance + Increase Efficiency Access + I ncrease timeliness + Increase enrollment + Increase retention Quality + Checklists improve performance + Decision support increase adherence to protocols + Video, audio convey sensitive topics in authoritative voice Experience + Audio, images, and video are easy to carry on phone + Phone adds credibility + Audio and video engage clients more than paper materials
19 Design Under the Mango Tree 19 User-focused Design -Rapid content prototyping -Mature Technology Platform
20 CommCare Product: Pricing Packages
21 Implementation Plan for each Program Monitor through CommCareHQ and ADM
22 Global Services Field Services Teams based in: Guatemala India Mozambique United States Senegal South Africa Thailand Deployment Model continually improving and hardening Expertise in Enterprise relationships across multiple countries and sectors