Warm-Up Write down the lesson name and objective Answer the following writing prompt in their notebooks. "Imagine that you have live in Florence, Italy immediately following the Black Death. You have survived, but many around you have not. Describe your environment. How do you feel?" Write down the lesson name and objective Answer the following writing prompt in their notebooks. "Imagine that you have live in Florence, Italy immediately following the Black Death. You have survived, but many around you have not. Describe your environment. How do you feel?"
Boccacio's Decameron reading
Results of the Black Death? Increased trade with Asia and other regions Growth of large, wealthy city-states in Italy Renewed interest in the classical learning of ancient Greece and Rome Rise of rich and powerful merchants, who became patrons of the arts Increased desire for scientific and technical knowledge Desire to beautify cities Increased trade with Asia and other regions Growth of large, wealthy city-states in Italy Renewed interest in the classical learning of ancient Greece and Rome Rise of rich and powerful merchants, who became patrons of the arts Increased desire for scientific and technical knowledge Desire to beautify cities
Trading Results activity
Origins of the Renaissance Learning Target: I can explain how the growth of wealthy trading cities in Italy led to a new era called the Renaissance
Trade with Asia By the late 1300’s the Black Death horrors were over One positive result of the the Black Plague- Since the disease did not damage buildings, ships, farmland, machines, or gold, survivors were able to use these things to produce more food as well as make new products As goods became available, prices went down, and people were able to buy things that they wanted Therefore, there was an increase in trade By the late 1300’s the Black Death horrors were over One positive result of the the Black Plague- Since the disease did not damage buildings, ships, farmland, machines, or gold, survivors were able to use these things to produce more food as well as make new products As goods became available, prices went down, and people were able to buy things that they wanted Therefore, there was an increase in trade
Trade Cities in Italy There were four northern Italian cities that became major trading centers by the 1300’s Florence Genoa Milan Venice There were four northern Italian cities that became major trading centers by the 1300’s Florence Genoa Milan Venice
Florence Florence was a banking and trade center The city’s wealthy leaders used their money to make the city beautiful Impressive buildings Magnificent artwork Florence was a banking and trade center The city’s wealthy leaders used their money to make the city beautiful Impressive buildings Magnificent artwork
The Medici Family Bankers in Florence kept money for merchants all over Europe and made money by charging interest-a fee that borrowers pay for the use of someone else’s money The greatest bankers in Florence were the Medici family The Medici’s were possibly the richest family in Italy in the early 1400’s Bankers in Florence kept money for merchants all over Europe and made money by charging interest-a fee that borrowers pay for the use of someone else’s money The greatest bankers in Florence were the Medici family The Medici’s were possibly the richest family in Italy in the early 1400’s
Cosimo de Medici Cosimo de Medici is known to be the real founder of his family’s fortune In 1434, Cosimo controlled the government in Florence Cosimo de Medici is known to be the real founder of his family’s fortune In 1434, Cosimo controlled the government in Florence
Cosimo’s contributions As ruler, Cosimo did many things to help Florence become known as the most beautiful city in the world: He spent a lot of his money on his city and supported artists and sculptors He paid architects to redesign many of Florence’s buildings He placed a high value on education, therefore he had libraries built which were filled with books that he collected He had more churches built After Cosimo died, he won the title of “Pater Palrige” (father of his country) As ruler, Cosimo did many things to help Florence become known as the most beautiful city in the world: He spent a lot of his money on his city and supported artists and sculptors He paid architects to redesign many of Florence’s buildings He placed a high value on education, therefore he had libraries built which were filled with books that he collected He had more churches built After Cosimo died, he won the title of “Pater Palrige” (father of his country)
Cosimo de Medici’s sons Cosimo had two sons: Pier and Lorenzo Although his first son, Pier, was not a strong ruler, Lorenzo was a powerful leader who contributed to the Medici family’s increase in wealth Cosimo had two sons: Pier and Lorenzo Although his first son, Pier, was not a strong ruler, Lorenzo was a powerful leader who contributed to the Medici family’s increase in wealth
Lorenzo de Medici Lorenzo was a poet, statesman, politician, banker, patron of artists, writer, philosopher, and he played an important role in Italian politics He spent time writing poetry and carnival songs He focused on doing good things for the people He paid for artists’ education and provided them with homes by buying their work Lorenzo was a poet, statesman, politician, banker, patron of artists, writer, philosopher, and he played an important role in Italian politics He spent time writing poetry and carnival songs He focused on doing good things for the people He paid for artists’ education and provided them with homes by buying their work
The Medici Family’s Accomplishments Spent money on Florence, making it the most beautiful and the most powerful state in Italy Spent their wealth on having the largest library in Europe Founded the Platonic Academy and supported artists by feeding them, educating, them, and providing them with necessities Some of these artists were Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael Florence became the cultural center of Europe and was known as an art center and the cradle of New Humanism Spent money on Florence, making it the most beautiful and the most powerful state in Italy Spent their wealth on having the largest library in Europe Founded the Platonic Academy and supported artists by feeding them, educating, them, and providing them with necessities Some of these artists were Donatello, Michelangelo, and Raphael Florence became the cultural center of Europe and was known as an art center and the cradle of New Humanism
Beginning of the Renaissance The Medici family was very interested in the rebirth of art and education in Europe, and with their support the Renaissance flourished Renaissance means “rebirth” and refers to the period of time following the Middle Ages The Medici family was very interested in the rebirth of art and education in Europe, and with their support the Renaissance flourished Renaissance means “rebirth” and refers to the period of time following the Middle Ages Donato Bramante: S. Maria presso S. Satiro, Milan, c. 1485
Why Italy?