Warm-Up  Write down the lesson name and objective.  Answer the following question:  Why is it important that we learn about Islam and the people that.


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Presentation transcript:

Warm-Up  Write down the lesson name and objective.  Answer the following question:  Why is it important that we learn about Islam and the people that started the religion? Explain in complete sentences.

Review  Who started Islam?  Where was it started?  Why was it started?  Who celebrates Islam?

Muslim Dynasties  What is a dynasty?  a succession of rulers of the same line of descent  Ruler of Muslim dynasties = caliph  First caliph = ????

Muslim Dynasties  Umayyad dynasty  Abbasid dynasty  Muslim Spain dynasty

Umayyad Dynasty

 First major Muslim dynasty  Led to the other two important Muslim dynasties  After the death of Muhammad and his son-in- law  All of the Muslim world was ruled by the Umayyad dynasty

Umayyad dynasty reading and timeline  Give students the one-page reading on the Umayyad Dynasty with dates in bold  Students will list important dates in chronological order and to write a short description of events next to each date.  List each important event next to a bullet with the description  We will complete this as a class  Important skill for rest of middle school and high school

Timeline  Students will make a timeline covering three periods: the Umayyad dynasty about which they just read, and the two empires it gave rise to: the Abbasid Empire and Muslim Spain.  With a total time period of about 800 years, students can allot two inches to each century.  Century = 100 years

Exit Ticket  Explain the characteristics of the three major Muslim dynasties.  How did they start?  Why did they end?  What was important about each?  Why are they important to US TODAY?