Javier Junquera Exercises on basis set generation 1. The default basis set.


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Presentation transcript:

Javier Junquera Exercises on basis set generation 1. The default basis set

Most important reference followed in this lecture

Bulk Si, a semiconductor that crystallizes in the diamond structure Go to the directory with the exercise on the default basis set Inspect the input file, Si.default.fdf As starting point, we assume the theoretical lattice constant of bulk Si FCC lattice Sampling in k in the first Brillouin zone to achieve self-consistency More information at the Siesta web page and follow the link Documentations, Manual Two atoms in the basis No input on the basis set is given

How to introduce the basis set in SIESTA Effort on defining a systematic with minimum parameters If nothing is specified: default Basis size:PAO.BasisSizeDZP Range of first-zeta:PAO.EnergyShift0.02 Ry Second-zeta:PAO.BasisTypeSplit Range of second-zeta:PAO.SplitNorm0.15 Confinement:Hard well Good basis set in terms of accuracy versus efficiency Default value

For each basis set, a relaxation of the unit cell is performed Variables to control the Conjugate Gradient minimization Two constraints in the minimization: - the position of the atoms in the unit cell - the shear stresses are nullified to fix the angles between the unit cell lattice vectors to 60°, typical of a fcc lattice

Relax the lattice constant and compute the energy for the default basis set Run the code for bulk Si with the default basis set siesta Si.default.out The name of the output file is free, but since we are running bulk Si with the default basis set, this is a sensible choice The numbers in this exercise have been obtained with siesta-3.0-b, compiled with the g95 compiler and double precision in the grid. Numbers might change slightly depending on the platform, compiler and compilation flags

How to introduce the basis set in SIESTA Effort on defining a systematic with minimum parameters If nothing is specified: default For Si, we include two shells 3 s, with two radial functions Cutoff radii of the two func. (in bohrs) Same for the 3 p shell The 3 p ( l = 1) orbitals are polarized: A shell with angular momentum l +1 (3 d orbitals is added) The cutoff of the polarization orbital will be the same as the first-ζ of the orbital that polarizes (in this case, the 3 p ) Inspect the output files and search for The PAO.Basis block

Study the structural and energetic properties with the default basis set Inspect the output files and search for the relaxed structure After relaxation, the system remains in a fcc lattice with a lattice constant of 2 × = Å

Inspect the output files and search for the converged Kohn-Sham energy for the relaxed structure We are interested in this number Study the structural and energetic properties with the default basis set