1 Inschool Observations (COLAT) Two or more whole days in 50 classes, 28 schools Includes class discussions & interviews - 8 students per class - Class teacher(s) - Principal, ISM and others…
2 Key issues arising Teaching and learning Successful practice Authentic teaching (skills…) Using ICT Requirements Deployment Professional learning
3 Common observations Competition for time Disruption Variation within & between classes & schools Development is disruptive Complex issues involved – not ‘plug & play’ School issue (not a just teacher issue) ‘Computer meets classroom: classroom wins’ ‘Over-sold and Under-used’ (Cuban) ICT use in decline??
4 Common teacher issues Why use ICT (purposes & rationale)? Will it work (using the technology, ‘reliability’)? How (working knowledge)? Is it worth it (cost effectiveness, accountability)? Where to start? …
5 4 Primary Success Factors 1.Shared purposes & rationale 2.Matching technology 3.Working knowledge 4.Cost effectiveness Working Knowledge Cost Effective Purposes & rationale Matching Technology
6 Comparing Case Studies School ASchool B Purposes ICT High order thinking community building, collaboration Administration & presenting the school to the community Rationale for ICT Means of collaborating and communication Modern tools Matching Technology Student friendly, eg, presentation Higher functioning Working Knowledge Widely distributed in time and place Individual specialised knowledge required Cost Effectiveness Very high and celebrated Too great – little educational use of ICT
7 4 Contextual Factors 5.Sound governance 6.Reliability 7.Professional learning 8.Collaboration Collaboration Professional Learning Governance Reliability
8 Comparing Case Studies School ASchool B Governance Well managed infrastructure, PL and clear expectations Decision making delegated to individual teachers Reliability Closely monitored, rapid response Specified Managed on a reactive basis Professional learning Integrated, collegial On-going sharing practices Specialised admin, or teacher choice Collaboration Extensive, across whole school community Hoped for wrt teachers Minimal wrt students
9 Success factors in using ICT 1. Purposes & Rationale 2. Matching Technology 4. Cost Effectiveness 3 levels of consideration ‘Reliability’ Professional learning Collaboration Practices using ICT 3. Working Knowledge
10 Organising for ICT literacy Where do student learn about ICT (2003-4)? Cases Specialist programs (e.g. linked with Library) Architecture Managing cost, value & risk * Computer at home? WhereYear 3Year 5 Home*70%50% Peers20%40% School10%
11 EET - observing the context Embedding ICT in what context? To what extent has ICT use been adopted? In what curriculum forms is ICT being applied? In what aspects of pedagogy us ICT being applied?
12 ICT adoption (ACOT) StageCharacteristics (overlapping) Entry Learn the basics of using the new technology. Adoption Use new technology to support traditional instruction. Adaptation Integrate new technology into traditional classroom practice. Invention* Discover new uses for technology & tools * TAFE - Automotive
13 Curriculum forms (Seaton) FormCharacteristics Focused LearningSubject focused learning and teaching relating to particular mandated learning outcomes Transdisciplinary Investigations Complex, active-learning units based on significant issues, tasks, questions or problems, Community Development* Real-life, on-going, multi-participant projects with public outcomes authentic contexts Personal Learning Projects Largely student-initiated and student- directed, problem-based or purpose-based learning activities
14 Activities in pedagogy Make a ‘working model’ ? Choose a focus Transfer learning Check on learning Check on progress Do it & Learn!! Make arrangements Design task Prior learning? Hopes? Establish rapport
15 Pedagogy As a process Choose a focus Transfer learning Check on learning Check on progress Do it & Learn!! Make arrangements Design task Prior learning? Hopes? Establish rapport
16 Action, Learning & ICT Action Experience Insight Knowledge ICT is used in activities (practices) Experience Products Explicit Knowledge Tacit Knowledge Insightful Questioning T & L Practices Activities Technology Shared Purposes Matching & available Working Knowledge Cost effectiveness Audience?
17 Learning from practice Three key questions requiring your professional judgement: What is desirable (for whom, why…)? What is possible (under what conditions)? What is feasible (when, where, with whom...)? COLAT project website: