Low-Cost Private Schools Knowledge Framework Research methodology template
10 Reach Size / Growth Targeting / geographical dispersion Opening / closing schools 11 Relationships Government Donors Community 12 Risks Risk management Anti-corruption Government acceptance Low-Cost Private Schools Knowledge Framework Growth Model: Scalable
Low-Cost Private Schools Knowledge Framework | Growth model 10. REACH 10A Current size / growth How many schools exist? How many students are reached? How many schools were established in each of the past three years? How has the size of each school changed in each of the past three years? How is consistency assured across all schools? How is the scale compared to a regional/national level? What are the growth plans? 10B Targeting / Geographical dispersion How close geographically are schools/clusters? How widespread is the chain? 10C Opening / closing schools How are new schools established? How are underperforming schools closed? How are parents informed if a school is going to close?
Low-Cost Private Schools Knowledge Framework | Growth model 11. RELATIONSHIPS 11A Government What relationship does the LCPS chain have with the government? What is the government's perception of the LCPS chain (eg. are they receptive or hostile)? Does the government provide support to the LCPS chain? What level of regulation is applied to the LCPS? 11B Donors What relationship does the LCPS chain have with donors? What are donors perceptions of the LCPS chain? Do donors provide support to the LCPS chain? How often does management communicate with donors? What percentage of operating costs come from donors? 11C Community How do the public view the chain of LCPS? How do the public view the teachers and principal? Are they respected in the community? Do the public believe the LCPS chain provides quality education?
Low-Cost Private Schools Knowledge Framework | Growth model 12. RISK 12A Risk management How are risks identified and managed? 12B Anti-corruption How much of an issue is corruption for the staff of the LCPS chain? How does external corruption affect the LCPS chain? What anti-corruption measures are in place? 12C Government acceptance Does government accept the idea of low-cost private schools generally? Does government have regulations in place to formally recognize private school chains? Does the chain comply with government regulations?