Belgian Fund for Food Security (BFFS) Innovative Financing Mechanism "Avant la lettre"
Introduction (1) : The National Lottery and Financing for Development: 225,3 million € of subsidies (profit) to distribute (2010)
Introduction (2) : The National Lottery and Financing for Development: Distribution of subsidies for development cooperation (2010)
The history of the BFFS Law of 3th October 1983 “ Survival Fund for the Third World “ Law of 9th February 1999: “Belgian Survival Fund” Law of 19th January 2010: “Belgian Fund for Food Security”
Objectives of the BFFS (1) 1. Consider the 4 dimensions of food security Sufficient availability and production of food to fulfill the needs of the families; Financial and physical access to a quantitatively and qualitatively proper alimentation; Stability and safe access to food at any time and for everyone; Quality of food consumption (including access to potable water); food with a nutritional level suiting a healthy and active life. And fight the structural causes of food insecurity (basic social services, resilience capacities of population, institutional capacities)
Objectives of the BFFS (2) 2. Support the local development approach of the decentralized authorities and communities 3. Contribute to guarantee food security of populations through a local, fair and sustainable, economy, with consideration of social and ecological development 4. Align to policies, strategies and initiatives of the partner countries through: the promotion of ownership of the recipients of aid compliance with priorities of national and local governments and those of the civil society
Special Characteristics of the BFFS Governed by a specific law Multi-year, stable and predictable budget: 250 Mio € - donations of the National Lottery (17,3 Mio/year) Large involvement of the Belgian Parliament with the monitoring and control of the Fund Multidimensional approach Execution through existing partners and channels (Belgian Technical Cooperation, Belgian NGO’s, UN- organizations) working together within the framework of a program coordinated under the authority of the partner country Long-term programs: 5 years renewable The approach of the BFFS is specific to the Belgian cooperation: Pilot approach (laboratory)
Target groups of the BFFS The activities of the BFFS focus on: food security for the most vulnerable people in those areas with the largest food insecurity, preferably in concentration countries of the Belgian cooperation in Sub-Saharan Africa
Countries BFFS is engaged in x - Country BFFS Concentration engaged X - X X - X
The BFFS in Mali Program for the BFFS in preparation (to started by the end of 2011) Program coordinated by the Commissariat à la sécurité alimentaire, in line with the NFSP (National Food Security Program) Program will be implemented by a coalition of 7 organizations, including the UNCDF, the FAO (for the coordination) and 5 Belgian NGO’s Program with a budget of 13 million € Area of implementation of the program : the “cercles” of Nara and the Nioro.
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