Speech of Mr. Isaac DE, Advisor of the President of Côte d’Ivoire, UK – COTE D’IVOIRE Trade & Investment Forum 2013 London, October 30, 2013 Session: Investing in Infrastructures and Services (Transports and Tourism) through PPP ----- Speech of Mr. Isaac DE, Advisor of the President of Côte d’Ivoire, President of National Steering Committee of the Public Private Partnership (CNP-PPP)
Introduction / Thanks Greetings/Thanks. Speech in two parts: Short presentation of the portfolio of PPP projects in transports, tourism and ICTS sectors; PPP piloting framework.
1 – Transport sector: Eight (8) Projects Amount (billions of CFA F) Amount (millions £) Abidjan water urban transport 30 39 Handling Abidjan FHB Airport 10 13 Port of Abidjan: Construction, operation of a mineral terminal 35 45,5 Port of Abidjan: Construction, operation of a cereal terminal Port of Abidjan : Construction, operation of an oil dumping station 18 23,4 Port of San Pedro: development and management of an industrial zone 85 110,5 Port of Abidjan: Development and operation of a parking lot of trucks 25 32,5 Port of Abidjan: Development and operation of an industrial zone 40 52
1 – Tourism and ICTS sectors: six (6) projects Secteur Montant (milliards de F CFA) Montant (millions £) Rehabilitation, operation of Hotel President of Yamoussoukro (Hotel, Golf) + Wildlife park 30 39 Rehabilitation, operation of 5 stars hotels in regional main cities 5 6,5 Rehabilitation, operation of the Golf Hotel + Ivoire Golf Club of Abidjan 41 53 Completion, Management and maintenance of the backbone + optical fiber meshing 40 52 Project of construction and maintenance of cyber centers in 5,000 villages 20 26 Infrastructures, equipment, maintenance for the switch to the DTT 60 78
2 – Existing conditions of success Côte d’Ivoire long experience in PPP (since 1959) International successful PPP projects (Azito project, railways concessionning project, third bridge of Abidjan); Existence of a legal framework on PPP: Yes. Existence of regional and national legislation and regulations on PPP (regional directives and national decree # 2012-1151) ; Existence of an institutional framework . Yes (decree # 2012-1152). A strong political commitment: National Steering Committee reporting directly to the Office of the President.
2 – Existing conditions of success Existence of a plan and a strategy for medium-term development: yes. PND 2013-2015 and PIP 2013-2015 validated by international donors; PPP projects list in coherence with PND 2013-2015: yes. 60 priority projects included in the PND and the PIP 2013-2015 An environment favorable for the development of the private sector and is being improved
2 – Roles and responsibilities in PPP process Steps Authorities Concerned Project identification Contracting authority (with CA-PPP support + external support if necessary) Appraisal of the PPP option CNP-PPP Project preparation Contracting authority (with CA-PPP support) Selection of the PPP Candidates and contract or agreement signature Contract approval Non objection : CNP-PPP, Validation: Council of Ministers Signature: Assignee of the project +contracting authority + Minister of Economy and Finance Project execution follow up Contracting authority + CNP-PPP with SE-PPP and CA-PPP support
2 – Who to contact if you are interested ? Three possibilities : Contracting authority CNP-PPP Contracting authority CEPICI CNP-PPP Contracting authority
Conclusion Numerous business opportunities in particular within the PPP framework in Côte d’Ivoire; The British private sector has a big experience recognized in the PFI / PPP community. He has a role to play in the construction of an emergent Côte d’Ivoire. The technical Ministries (contracting authority) of the projects, the National Steering Committee of the PPP, the CEPICI, are available to give you all the necessary information so that British businessmen can participate in the development and the realization of PPP projects in Côte d’Ivoire.