“What Great Teachers Do Differently” “Seven Simple Secrets: What the Best Teachers Know and Do” Todd Whitaker (2004) Annette Breaux and Todd Whitaker (2006)
“One of the best-kept secrets of the very best teachers is that they have very few discipline problems.” Seven Secrets pg. 98
What do we find in the classrooms of the most effective teachers? Summary: Procedures are taught and practiced and then practiced some more.
“Remember, if you can prevent the fire, you’ll never use the fire extinguisher!” Seven Secrets pg. 38
What can teachers do when a student misbehaves? List all of the options
Great Teachers Don’t
High Expectations For Themselves
One hallmark of effective teachers is that they create a positive atmosphere in their classrooms and schools.
Effective Teachers
Praise Authentic Specific Immediate Clean Private Ben Bissell (1992)
How could you use information like this in your school? Think to yourself and then we’ll share ideas