Collaborative development of DL courses Stephen Swithenby Abuja May 2010
A student centred view A curriculum that is well structured and of interest Learning resources that are interactive and work like a tutor Information, advice and guidance that is personal and available when needed. A sense of belonging to the university and pride in being a student of that university. Assessment that helps learning – good feedback Administrative efficiency A degree that has a high reputation Reasonable cost.
Learning resources Interactive text – ebook version Interactive multimedia (OERs, Flash) Audio and audio-visual materials (TV, radio, CDs, USB) Set books Bridging, self help and diagnostic materials Home kits Ancillary resources, e.g. maps, photographs Study guide, commentary and timetable Continuous assessment - marking guides - tutor materials Summative assessment – marking guide
Learning resources Quality takes time (appropriate coverage, engaging, academically accurate, linked well to assessment, attractively designed, good use of language, free of typos.) Use of standard templates speeds up development (Word to XML to print or Web) Quality resources are expensive but resource development is a very small part of costs of a fully supported DL system. QA process is time consuming ( 6 to 30 months development)
Development vs Support Tme 10 programmes – OU UK productivity! – programme lifetime data
Collaborative development Quality production processes. Course team including academics, media specialists and coordinators. Timetabled and project managed. Integrated course requires integrated phased development – typically four phases
Phases 0 and 1 Phase 0 (use of standard template) Scope of course and overall resource mix defined Unusual features identified Assessment and support strategies outlined Course team established Preliminary approval gained Phase 1 Extended outline of all units – boundary issues clarified – design issues clarified AV and other resources planned Assessment and support plans proposed Course included in prospectus
Phases 2 and 3 Phase 2 Full draft of all teaching texts, including illustrations Storyboards or pilot versions of all interactive multimedia & AV materials. Assessment and support strategies approved Problems Phase 3 Final version of all teaching materials. Study guide, commentary and schedule Assessment and tutor support materials drafted Tutor briefing