Connecting people and information How open access supports research in High Energy Physics since 50 years Jens Vigen, CERN Emtacl12 – Trondheim, 1 st - 3 rd October 2012
Built on a solid tradition
I am a librarian… …but I’ve contributed to an e-Infrastructure or two
CERN: European Organization for Nuclear Research (since 1954) The world leading HEP laboratory, Geneva (CH) 2400 staff (mostly engineers) users (mostly physicists) 3 Nobel prizes (Accelerators, Detectors, Discoveries) Operating the 27-km LHC accelerator Observed the first scalar boson in July 2012 The CERN Convention (1953) contains what is effectively an early Open Access manifesto: “… the results of its experimental and theoretical work shall be published or otherwise made generally available”
Seek for Higgs
32 page article out of a 16 pages author list
: illustrating the BEH Mechanism
“Get me water, within 3 minutes, from the end of the world!”
Hold on – what is happening? The man removes his weights!
“Your Majesty, I will be straight back!”
Some 15 seconds after departure our friend is back! This man is certainly not made by matter influenced by the Brout-Englert-Higgs (BEH) mechanism.
A shared effort towards gold OA SCOAP 3 has become mainstream emtacl12 is fully “ SCOAP 3 -signed up”!
A study of HEP authorship in leading journals All HEP “core” journals and HEP fraction of broadband journals. Co-authorship is taken into account on a pro-rata basis by assigning articles to countries according to their number of authors articles J.Krause,C.M.Lindqvist,S.Mele CERN-OPEN
Actually everything is pretty much the same; in spite of an important happening in 1989 …
The World Wide Web A HEP contribution to communication T. Berners-Lee at CERN, early ’90s
Not only the web … hardware later to be used for accessing digital libraries CERN developed a transparent capacitive touch screen in the early 1970s and it was manufactured by CERN and put to use for the consoles of the SPS Control Room in 1973
An early version of the touch screen
What was the first website in the U.S.?
SPIRES : a library catalogue
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 91 17:55:53 GMT+0100 From: timbl (Tim Berners-Lee) Message-Id: To: www-interest, www-talk Subject: WWW to SPIRES on SLACVM - Experimental Cc: (Paul Kunz) There is an experimental W3 server for the SPIRES High energy Physics preprint database, thanks to Terry Hung, Paul Kunz and Louise Addis of SLAC. It's only just been put up, so don't expect perfection. With the w3 line mode browser, follow a link to it from our home page, then type for example K FIND AUTHOR KUNZ the "FIND" is necessary at the moment, though it may change later. - Tim Paul Kunz wrote a few days ago:- "The SLAC Library maintainer of SPIRES databases, Louise Addis, is absolutely delighted. She will ask for a permanent VM service machine and finish off the polishing. Things are really moving now." "By the way, we certainly have the impression that accessing SPIRES from www on a UNIX machine is faster than using a terminal logged into SLACVM. Even a real 3278 terminal is not as fast. Actually, accessing CERNVM FIND via www seems faster than logging into cernvm and doing the same command as well." To be noted: The “FIND” is still present 21 years later… Who claimed that scientists are not conservative?
Once upon a time, when air-mail was fast…
…HEP scientists wrote papers…
…then mailed them to journals AND colleagues…
…other scientists received the preprints once a week
…libraries catalogued preprints to create a structure
…reading authors, affiliations, assigning keyword, resolving citations, marking up conference and teams…
The “preprint-culture”...lives on = visibility Journals seem not to be vehicles of communication <10% HEP scientists read journals if preprint available Gentil-Beccot, Mele, Brooks arXiv:
HEP has pioneered repositories; still developing Time to share with other disciplines and other geographic regions
A successful digital library A place “to look and be seen” Relevant services on top of good content One size does not fit all – get to understand your communities It is like building a house; if you are in the tropics you need to provide protection from the sun. It does not help to build a good heating system – even if that is what you are best at …
A poll of the HEP community >2000 answers (10% of the entire community!)
Aiming for 100% OA coverage Institutional and subject repositories goes hand in hand. Ensure interoperability and co-operate to develop the services required by all the partners Capture non-submitted papers by: – Monitoring relevant subject/institutional repositories – Monitoring publisher feeds In order to be discovered, publishers should have a strong interest to feed subject repositories For particle physics as of 2014 – The participating publishers to SCOAP 3 will be bound by contract to fill a designated repository with OA content. This content can then be further exported to subject repositories and any institutional infrastructure
1M records (HEP and neighboring fields) 50K users (HEP and neighboring fields)
“Claim your papers” a great success A community solution to distinguish – Mr. J. Smith working in hep-th – Mr. J. Smith working in hep-ex In one year, without much promotion, 20% of the records (out of 1million) have at least 1 claim. Experimentalists not yet encouraged 1/5 of all authors has claimed
John Ellis – Author page: citation stats
Reference correction: crowd sourcing
Crowd sourcing book acquisition Who knows which book is needed?
5 minutes browsing is for free
Printing, longer reads => a transaction A transaction correspond to 5-15% of the book price. The book will be auto-purchased on the 4 th usage for the price of a paperback copy. To be parameterized by each library. When bought, a copy can be used 325 days a year.
Leverage on max. insight A simple additional service; neat feature for scholars purchasing on group budgets Patron-driven acquisition for print books shortly to be launched as a new service Offers remote users to check if the book is available locally Additional about the book; often including “Look inside”. Do also linkdynamically to Google Books.
Users + Librarians Content Services Thank you for your attention