Introduction to TCVM Tongue & Pulse Dx Basic TCVM Diagnostic Equipment
Normal Tongue Pink Red Red White White Blue Blue Moist Fits mouth Good tone
Tongue Changes- -Color Pale Pink Red
Tongue Changes- -Color Purple Dark Red Black (ashen) Normal
Pale Tongue Wet is Qi deficiency Dry is Blood Deficiency Wet, Swollen (teeth marks) & purple is Yang deficiency
Red Tongue HEAT DeficiencyExcess
Purple Tongue DeficiencyExcess Yang Deficiency Stagnation Cold
Tongue-Organ Relationship Heart Lung Spleen Liver Kidney
Tongue Coatings White Coating Normal Normal Excess Cold Excess Cold Yellow Coating Heat Heat Greasy Coating Can’t be Scrubbed off Damp Not as important in animals nor as prominent
Pulses Left (Yin & Blood) Right (Qi & Yang) UpperHeartLung MiddleLiverSpleen LowerKidneyYinKidneyYang
Pulse Depth Superficial Middle DeepExcessDeficiency
Pulse Character SlowFast ColdHot
Abnormal Pulses Slippery Damp Damp Like being in a bogLike being in a bog Wiry Liver Stagnation Liver Stagnation Tight like a wireTight like a wire Irregular Heart Qi or Blood Heart Qi or Blood arrhythmiaarrhythmia
Using Tongue & Pulse Pulse looks at current events Tongue reflects history Together, they help determine the nature, location and Zang-Fu involvement in the disease process