Universities in the U.K. To date Britain is the most favored destination of overseas students, with a current total of over 60,000 Chinese students. -
Contents Living in the UK. Choosing a University. Living and working at university.
Living in the UK - Opinions What opinions do you already have about the UK? Where did you hear them?
Living in the UK - Differences People Open-minded. Liberal. Friendly. Culture People do as they like Polite Conservative
Living in the UK - Differences "Young people get drunk – the behaviour would be frightening. "I hate the teenage people with little education, gathering around, holding booze, talking rubbish. "Fighting in the street, drunken hooligan. "Gentle country not true, too many drunk people, terrible young people everywhere."
Living in the UK - Differences I liked the way everyone said please and thank you all the time. We were pleasantly surprised by the politeness and friendliness they encountered. We couldn't quite believe it when a car stopped at a pedestrian crossing for us. I stopped to ask the way and the people asked took them me to the place I wanted to find.
Choosing a University Academic – students are not granted degrees for anything other than their academic ability. Focussed – You will be required to study only the subject that you choose. Single Subject – British degrees are usually only a single subject e.g. Chemistry BSc.
Choosing a University 1.Oxford 2.Cambridge 3.Imperial College London 4.London School of Economics 5.University College London 6.Loughborough 7.Bristol 8.Warwick 9.Bath 10.Durham
Living and Working at University
O xford C ambridge I mperial College L oughborough B ristol W arwick Ba th D urham G lasgow