1 Intuit Marketing Tier Levels Opportunities Quicken Windows Basic Premium PremiumPlus
2 Intuit Confidential Why Market To Your Customers In Quicken? Quicken: Celebrating over 20 years as a leader in personal finance More people have bought Quicken than all other personal finance software combined Favored by 3 out of 4 users of PFM software Quicken is the #2 selling software of all time (all types included) Behind only Intuit’s TurboTax 16 million Quicken users Quicken user demographics represent high income and high net worth individuals More people bought Quicken last year than any year since Y2K (through fiscal YTD 4/04)
3 Intuit Confidential Select From Three Marketing Tiers: BASICPREMIUM PREMIUM+ Listing in the Financial Institution (FI) Directory Page Linkable Online Center Banner Big Logo Register Logo 2 Register Text Links Marketspace Tab Page Co-Branded Splash Screen 5 financial planner banners with links to FI Website Reconcile Logo
4 Basic Marketing Level in Quicken in Quicken
5 Intuit Confidential Listing in Financial Institution (FI) Directory Page Key Benefit: Answer a key customer question, “What online services (if any) does my Financial Institution support in Quicken?”
6 Premium Marketing Level in Quicken in Quicken
7 Intuit Confidential Listing in FI Directory Page + Logo Key Benefit: Add your own branding and answer a key customer question, “What online services (if any) does my Financial Institution support in Quicken?”
8 Intuit Confidential Linkable Online Center Banner Key Benefit: Link your Quicken customers directly to your Web site! Results in additional sales of product and services for deeper relationships
9 Intuit Confidential Marketspace Tab Page Key Benefit: Display a full page of Web content right within Quicken Our new SOAR program… The freedom to raise your finances to a whole new level!
10 Intuit Confidential Big Logo While Connecting with FI Key Benefit: Display your branding to your Quicken customers while they complete the download process
11 Intuit Confidential Register Logo Key Benefit: Display your identity branding in the highest traffic area in the Quicken product, the account register
12 Intuit Confidential Two Register Text Links Key Benefit: Two custom text hyperlinks to link to your Web site! Located in the highest traffic area in the Quicken product, the account register
13 Premium Plus Marketing Level in Quicken in Quicken
14 Intuit Confidential Co-branded splash screen when Quicken opens… Key Benefit: Co-brand the user experience in Quicken The splash screen displays your brand when your customer launches Quicken
15 Intuit Confidential Special Tools Ad with Link: Retirement Planner Key Benefit: Advertise retirement products/services at the time of need!
16 Intuit Confidential Special Tools Ad with Link: College Planner Key Benefit: Advertise college products/services at the time of need!
17 Intuit Confidential Special Tools Ad with Link: Refinance Planner Key Benefit: Advertise home refi products/services at the time of need!
18 Intuit Confidential Special Tools Ad with Link: Savings Planner Key Benefit: Advertise investment products/services at the time of need!
19 Intuit Confidential Special Tools Ad with Link: Loan Planner Key Benefit: Advertise loan products/services at the time of need!
20 Intuit Confidential Reconcile Logo Key Benefit: Advertise key products/services during the reconciliation process
21 Intuit Confidential Interested in Finding Out More? For more information about marketing/support opportunities with Quicken Please