Riso with Dual Feedback Plus RFx Op Amp Stability OPA192 Definition-by-Example Collin Wells Tim Green Precision Linear Analog Applications December 2, 2013
Riso with Dual FB plus FX Topology
Zo Test
Zo Test
Zload on Aol
Modified Aol
Modified Aol
FB#1 with CL=10uF, Riso=37.4ohms
FB#1 with CL=10uF, Riso=37.4ohms
FB#1 with CL=10uF, Riso=37.4ohms Add FB#2 for Stability
FB#2 with CL=10uF, Riso=37.4ohms, RF=1k, RFx=10k
FB#2 with CL=10uF, Riso=37.4ohms, RF=1k, RFx=10k
Loop Gain for CL=10uF, Riso=37.4ohms, RF=1k, RFx=10k
Loop Gain for CL=10uF, Riso=37.4ohms, RF=1k, RFx=10k Phase Margin = 89.45 deg
Transient for CL=10uF, Riso=37.4ohms, RF=1k, RFx=10k
Transient for CL=10uF, Riso=37.4ohms, RF=1k, RFx=10k