By: James Minyard Danny Lourence And Miss Maruna
Africa- South Africa, Saudi Arabia Europe- France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom Asia- China, Japan, India, Indonesia, Republic of Korea, Turkey, Russia Australia European Union Russia spans from all of northern Asia to 40% of Europe North America- USA, Mexico, Canada South America- Argentina, Brazil
No formal criteria Restricted and fixed to ensure effectiveness and continuity Regions of systemic significance for the international financial system Geographical balance and population representation also major parts Composition of group has not changed since it was established
Established in 1999 (1 st meeting in Berlin on Dec , 1999) Response to 1997 Asian Financial Crisis Brings together major advanced & emerging economies Stabilized the global financial market Further strengthened international cooperation
South Africa (2007) Brazil (2008) UK (2009) Republic of Korea (2010) France (2011, current) Canada ( ) India (2002) Mexico (2003) Germany (2004) China (2005) Australia (2006)
Nov 14–15, 2008 (Hosted by George W. Bush) Held at Washington D.C. April 2, 2009 (Hosted by Gordon Brown) Held at London, United Kingdom
September 24–25, 2009 (Hosted by Barack Obama) Held at Pittsburgh, United States June 26–27, 2010 (Hosted by Stephen Harper) Held at Toronto, Canada
G-20 Summit Protests Belief that the G-20 members caused economic crisis Wealthy Nations v. Common Person 2008 Global Crisis 2008 Global Crisis Toronto Protest Video Toronto Protest Video watch?v=GaYbq484abs&feat ure=player_embedded watch?v=GaYbq484abs&feat ure=player_embedded
November 11–12 (Hosted by Lee Myung-bak) Held at Seoul, South Korea November 3-4 is the next projected meeting at Cannes, France (Hosted by Felipe Calderón)
Framework for strong, sustainable, and balanced growth Strengthen the International Financial Regulatory System Modernizing our Global Institutions to reflect today's Global Economy Reforming the mandate, mission, and governance of the IMF Reforming the mission, mandate, and governance of our Development Banks Energy Security and Climate Change Strengthening support for the most vulnerable Putting quality jobs at the heart of the recovery An open global economy
Agreement about policies for growth Reduced abuse of the financial system Dealt w/ financial crises and combated terrorist financing Aims to: Foster adoption of internationally recognized standards Combat abuse of financial system by higher standards of transparency Also by exchange of information on tax matters