F-I War & GW Come To PA F-I War & GW Come To PA Ft. Necessity Braddock and the Monongahela
GW & Ft. Necessity Need More Review? Need More Review? /battleswars /p/fortnece ssity.htm /battleswars /p/fortnece ssity.htm
French Soldiers Shot From Woods Without Being Seen
Inside Ft. Necessity
GW surrenders on 4 th of July 1754 He signed the surrender paper and states he assassinated Jumonville And admits the FRENCH own the Forks of the Ohio.
War has broken out! England mad at GW and wants revenge against the French. Ben Franklin proposes something never considered by the 13 different colonies. Ben Franklin proposes something never considered by the 13 different colonies.
Albany Plan of Union Ben Franklin learns a lesson from the Iroquois allies and proposes a radical idea NEVER proposed Ben Franklin learns a lesson from the Iroquois allies and proposes a radical idea NEVER proposed before in America. before in America.
His plan was rejected and wouldn’t be considered for another 20 years. His plan was rejected and wouldn’t be considered for another 20 years. The 13 Colonies feared being united would mean The 13 Colonies feared being united would mean they would lose their they would lose their individual power. individual power.
DID YOU KNOW George Washington Kennywood Park???
He’s BACK…… He’s BACK…… Young GW still wants to become a British General even though he though he lost Ft. Necessity. A new British General has A new British General has arrived and wants his Help.
The British Goal The British Goal General “Bull Dog” General “Bull Dog” Braddock Braddock Capture Fort Duquesne
The Battle of Monongahela July 9 th, 1755 A Turning Point in American History
Hyperlinks For Review Video Of the Battle: Video Of the Battle: Video Of the Battle: Video Of the Battle: QzOIg QzOIg Lost Treasure?: blog.com/2011/01/battle-of-monongahela- and-general.html
Review of Events Braddock’s - GW’s British Army was beaten by the French and Indians near Kennywood Park (it’s not there in 1755). Braddock’s - GW’s British Army was beaten by the French and Indians near Kennywood Park (it’s not there in 1755). The British DO NOT capture Ft. Duquesne The British DO NOT capture Ft. Duquesne A long war will rage in America…. and became a World War ( 7 Years War) A long war will rage in America…. and became a World War ( 7 Years War)
Would there be the United States? Big Victory maybe a shorter war. Big Victory maybe a shorter war. Shorter war – British spend less $$$$ Shorter war – British spend less $$$$ Less $$$ spent Less $$$ spent Then British don’t TAX American Colonies Then British don’t TAX American Colonies Colonies Don’t fight for Independence Colonies Don’t fight for Independence
A City Changes If Braddock’s Army won…. If Braddock’s Army won…. NOT Pittsburgh…. BUT….. NOT Pittsburgh…. BUT….. BRADDOCKSBURG BRADDOCKSBURG New Sports Team Name New Sports Team Name The Braddocksburg “Bull Dogs” The Braddocksburg “Bull Dogs”
What about GW?? If British victory at Monongahela….then If British victory at Monongahela….then GW becomes a British General GW becomes a British General If America still fought for its Freedom…. If America still fought for its Freedom…. GW is not a Patriot, but A REDCOAT GW is not a Patriot, but A REDCOAT NO GW? – maybe we would have lost the Revolution NO GW? – maybe we would have lost the Revolution
NO GW? What would our Capital be called? What would our Capital be called? Who would be on the dollar bill? Who would be on the dollar bill? Who is on the quarter? Who is on the quarter?
INDIAN HISTORY MIGHT HAVE CHANGED…. If the British won, the Indians may have stopped helping the FRENCH If the British won, the Indians may have stopped helping the FRENCH The Indians may not have waged a War of Terror on the Colonies. The Indians may not have waged a War of Terror on the Colonies. The Colonists may not have seen the Indians as EVIL. The Colonists may not have seen the Indians as EVIL.
After Braddock’s Monongahela Ft. Duquesne Remains French
We Have To Have The F-I War To Have GW as Father of Our Country