Nathan Deal took the oath of office as Georgia’s 82nd governor on Jan. 10, 2011 He was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives as a Democratic Party candidate in 1992, but switched to the Republican Party in 1995.
GovernorLieutenant Governor Qualifications 30 yrs old Resident of GA for 6 yrs U.S. citizen for 15 yrs 30 yrs old Resident of GA for 6 yrs U.S. citizen for 15 yrs Term 4 yrs (No more than 2 4r consecutive = 8 yrs) (can wait 4 yrs then run again) 4 yrs (unlimited terms) ElectionEvery 4 years EVEN numbered Duties (Formal Powers) pg 180 CRCT Oversees operations of the executive branch Chief law enforcement officer Commander-in-chief of state’s military Proposes annual budget Recommends new laws Gives the “State of the State” address Fills government vacancies Can call special sessions of the General Assembly Presides over the SENATE Acts as the state’s chief executive when the governor is out of the state Duties (Informal Powers)Serves as spokesperson for the state of GA. N/A
Department of Education
Department of Public Safety
Department of Transportation
Department of Economic Development GDEcD
Department of Natural Resources