Aztec Describe their culture and religion? Men’s and women’s role? Shirley Lin
Religion The bloodiest culture in history: human sacrifices The bloodiest culture in history: human sacrifices
Religion Reason: keep their gods happy Reason: keep their gods happy How? most of the people they sacrificed were captured from neighboring tribes - > No one wanted the Aztecs as neighbors. How? most of the people they sacrificed were captured from neighboring tribes - > No one wanted the Aztecs as neighbors.
Religion Hundreds of gods and goddesses. Hundreds of gods and goddesses. very important very important Control everything. Control everything.
Religion God of Night and all things. God of Night and all things.
Culture Classes: common people, slaves. Classes: common people, slaves. Arts: poetry and songs Arts: poetry and songs Death: cremated or buried. Death: cremated or buried.
Culture Rich Rich Clothes and fans made with feathers. Clothes and fans made with feathers. Houses: stone Houses: stone studied law, writing, medicine, building. studied law, writing, medicine, building.
Family life Women: married at about 16. Women: married at about 16. Man: married at about 20. Man: married at about 20. In school: In school: -> boys: arts and crafts -> girls: learnt how to cook, sew, take care of children to raise a family.
Sources e.html e.html e.html e.html
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